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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Photo Winner
I went through Noss, passed the 2 pubs packed with holiday makers, I could have joined them!

On through the little lanes of Netton and along the coast road. I called in on my mother in law in Holbeton as she is very unwell. We’d already taken Bo for a walk and a swim at Mothecombe beach, but she needed another cuddle

I then carried on on a similar route to yesterday.

There were plenty of yellowhammers looking down at me from the telegraph wires.

I feel like I’m wading through treacle at the moment, it’s hard work!

I was going to go further but I went 17 miles.



Über Member
Yesterday I headed out to one of the local dams, Avon Dam, in search of some climbing training.
After some climbing to get to the entrance road this nice level section kicked things off.

There was a 1.5km or so descent down to a causeway, with the sound of running water welcoming you

Up from there it was a climb of around 3km then a short descent, with the nice cool weather making it easy going.
Once you get there it is this....


And when you turn around, this...

Up to the picnic area (where I will be bringing the family for sure)


43km all up and very little traffic, a new training location sorted.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Not today, but Saturday's ride.
Out of the door just after 6.15, to a very nice, warm mornings sunshine. The weather was absolutely fantastic for a ride. It wasn't too hot, hovering around the 24° mark most of the day. Very little, if any wind and zero precipitation.
A nice pootle on the Kentish lanes through the Lower & High Weald down to Tenterden for my first café stop for the day at 40 miles at the wonderful Coffee Pot Cafe for the best blueberry muffin I think I have ever had, no exaggeration. Coffee was very good too.
Continuing to the Marshes via the village of Appledore, through the marshes up to and crossing south of Ashford to the lovely village of Wye in the rolling Kent Downs at 75 miles where lunch stop was a cheapo meal deal at the Co-Op. Eaten whilst watching the world go by sitting in the sunshine on a bench outside the village church. After lunch it was another 22 rolling miles to my partners workplace at Brookside Garden Centre in East Peckham. They have a great café and I was treated to a fabulous piece of Lemon meringue Pie and vanilla ice cream with sprinkles that hit the spot nicely.
Having to leave my partner back to her work, it was the last leg home. Mostly a good few miles of gentle climbing up over the Greensand Ridge then a fabulous descent down the other side, getting home at 4pm on the dot.

Eddington Report. Still on 117 with 2 more rides of 118 to get that figure

Scores on the doors.

Choosing our next car in Sevenoaks

That fantastic blueberry muffin

There's more Oast Houses in Kent then you can shake a Hop Bushel at. Though a lady came out of one of these a little narked that I was taking a photo of them asking what I was doing. Old sourpuss.

The Military Canal at Bilsington

Treated to fab lemon meringue pie and ice cream
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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Yesterday's plan was the occasional trip to the shops on the Fuji for provisions.

Unfortunately this didn't transpire for a number of reasons - the cold and unwelcoming outside, lack of sleep thanks to waking early to meet the demands of my aging bladder and a quite frankly comically-absurd level of existential dread; thanks to cocking a few things up and too much gin yesterday.

Having driven to the shops for essentials I couldn't face the thought of an unproductive evening trapped in the house / my own head, so dragged the Ragley out of the shed for a sedate 10 mile loop. The big grin on my face at mile four confirmed this was the right decision, and I felt so much better for getting out.

That rounds off a good week at about 103 miles, and a good month at around 386; just exceeding last August's 385 miles and the most I've done in a month since the halcyon days of the 2020 apocalypse that saw 500-600 miles per month being tickled atop the Genesis on the gloriously deserted roads.

On top of that the MTB has given an extra dimension of exercise due to the short, intense inputs often required to get over rough ground or up short inclines and - aches, joint pain and allergy crap notwithstanding - I feel as good physically as I ever have, I think... very appreciative of what I'm getting out of the bikes currently :smile:
It was supposed to be a VO2max session tonight but I decided to let my knee recover and went for a short flat spinny ride instead. Jeez, I had forgotten how flat and exposed the Fens.




Legendary Member
How to spend a day in lieu, not the place under the stairs or the one in Cornwall, but a dry day with a moderate westerly blowing? Well I decided to take advantage of a tail wind and ride across to Skipton via Malham. So out via Ingleton to Clapham for a cuppa. Saw deer and lots of birds. Then on to Austwick and across the Ribble at Stainforth force where I gathered myself for the long climb up to Malham Tarn. Lots of wheatear, meadow pipit and skylarks kept me company. The plateau is heavily grazed and has a sterile if austere grandeur. I continued down to Malham and lunch in Airton. I’d left it a bit tight but managed to get to the station in Skipton just in time for the train. The bike spaces were taken but the guard was sensible and asked me to hover in the disabled area but be prepared to get off if a wheelchair user appeared. Fortunately all went smoothly. 81 km with 1220 m of climbing.

Pictures of Penyghent, Ribble at Stainforth, Malham Tarn and Malham’s Strada Bianchi.




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Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
An earlier Friday finish at work today so out on the Tricross at 3.45pm. Around 17° and a little breezy.
Out to Naburn Marina then on to Selby via the Sustrans cycle route. A quick pic outside Selby Abbey then home via Wistow Lordship, Cawood, Biggin, Little Fenton, Church Fenton and Ulleskelf.
42.4 miles with an average of 15.3 mph, great ride👍






Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Back in the Belgian Ardennes for my third time, and this is the first day of our stay near Malmedy. We stayed nearby back in 2010, when all of my cycling concentrated on the German-speaking Ost Kantons. This time we are staying to the North of Malmedy, way up above the town in the High Fens Nature Park in a village called Mont at the top of Mont Spinette. Pretty much everywhere I want to cycle will be downhill from here, with an uphill return to figure into my timing calculations. I headed off through the forest along the lumpy, but quite quiet road to Hockai ....

which looked quite flat on Street View, but was actually nearly all either up or down. At Hockai, I hung a right and dropped down onto an old railway line cycle path that is now part of the amazing local "RAVeL" network - old railway paths laid with smooth tarmac, well signposted and with occasional picnic area facilities.


I was well impressed. The first signpost I saw stated that my destination for the morning (Spa) was 11km away, and I knew it would all be downhill. It was quite easy to roll along at over 20mph with little or no pedaling, slowing for dog walkers occasionally, but pleased to see that pedestrians and cyclists seem to co-exist happily here and all dogs are kept on leads. Eventually I arrived in the outskirts of Spa, where I was astonished to have a nonchalant red squirrel casually cross my path. You arrive in Spa via a number of minor road junctions, where all the drivers I encountered slowed right down and seemed to expect me to take priority, thanking me when I did not. The RAVel delivers you right into the heart of town, gradually dropping in altitude all the way. At the very end of it there are plenty of benches and convenient bicycle parking facilities.

I opted to carry on cycling through the streets of the town to take a look at a big church/cathedral that I had spotted on Street View. When I got there, two thirds of it were covered in scaffolding and coloured netting, which was a shame.


I proceeded round to the right, having learned a route that would get me back to the RAVeL, only to find a no entry sign where I really didn't need one to be. And up ahead of me was a long, steep hill, with a railway bridge going over it that I instantly recognised as the one I had just taken a photo from. Nothing for it, I just had to turn back and try to find my way back around the one way system. Easier said than done. Eventually I just got off and pushed for a hundred yards to get back into the road I needed to be in, before climbing back up to the start of the RAVeL for a one hour climb back up to Hockai. Near the top I took advantage of one of the picnic spots which had a view across the valley and the peaceful sounds of bird song and cascading water.

Then it was just the matter of the up and down road through the forest back to Mont. I actually carried on past the house to the old customs house, the "Ancienne Douane" which once marked the border of Germany before the Treaty of Versailles. I know that some Cyclechatters get side-tracked by that Alphabet game, where you have to find places to cycle to in alphabetical order, providing proof of passage. Towns beginning with some letters are hard, if not impossible to find, so some leeway is allowed. I just had to post this picture of the Ancienne Douane taken from just inside "Xhoffraix" though! This part of Belgium is not short of place names beginning with a silent X.

My first 23 miles of the week done. I have a feeling I'll be making much more use of this wonderful RAVel network in the coming week.
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