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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
:sun:Scorchio ! :heat:The weather in Gloucestershire this morning was positively Mediterranean. Must have been around 28 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Did a 44 mile ride, including a club ride with the Kingsway CC "Chilled" Group that numbered 11 of us today. Sweated our way up over Horsepools Hill, then down into Stroud and over to Cam, where we slogged up Cam Pitch before descending back into the Severn Vale. No more climbing after that.:sweat: For once it was better to keep moving than to stop for rests, as that was the only way to keep cool. None of us fancied doing too much of the A38 on the way back, so we abandoned the route and headed off down the lanes through the villages near Slimbridge, where @Frazzle showed me a new little cut-through that I hadn't used before.

We stopped for refreshments at the canalside café at Saul marina, where we met up with our Intermediate group, and @Dark46, who had driven along to meet up with us all. Most ordered coffee and cakes, then looked jealously at the cold bottles of Magners cider that I and the guy behind me bought. ^_^My personal highlights of the day were reeling in a couple of riders from another local club on the short stretch of the A38 that we did ride, and then flying past about 10 members of another club down the lanes. That just isn't me, normally, and it was nice to be able to put on a turn of speed and lead a line of clubmates past with a cheery (unreturned) greeting.

Loving this early summer weather.:sun: Enjoy your rides everyone. Cheers, Donger.


Legendary Member
I'd been to Liverpool yesterday and overnight, with @Rickshaw Phil to enjoy beer and a fantastic Hans Zimmer Live Concert at the ECHO Arena. If you like his film scores, I highly recommend you see him in concert, if you can.

Arrived back home, around lunchtime, with the thermometer touching 29c and was mulling over a number of things I could do, this afternoon, to enjoy the weather. An hour later (of which I'd spent most of it asleep on the sofa :laugh:) I dragged myself out and onto the bike for a very leisurely short ride around Town. I simply didn't have the energy for any more than that.

As I brought the bike round to the front of the house, I had a chat to my neighbour and she thought I was highly mad going out on a bike in this heat, but I explained to her my philosophy was that I would generate some breeze whilst riding and that may help. Indeed that was the case, with the westerly breeze still fairly strong in spite of the heat.

I took the route of Meole Brace, Nobold, Radbrook, Copthorne, Oxon, Porthill and down into the Quarry Park, which was heaving with people enjoying the fabulous sunshine. They were also clearing away the marquees from this mornings Shrewsbury Half Marathon (fair play to anyone running it in this heat :heat:)

I had to weave my way through the busy crowds on the paths, and then continued along by the River Severn and out onto the cycle paths down to Reabrook, along the old railway path and home.

Sweating buckets now, but glad to have made the effort to get out in the :sun:

14.5 miles at a very leisurely pace of 11.9mph avg
After poor showing on last week's club ride,with the HDW

We headed to Newdigate, south of Dorking.

We went through Ripley East Horsley, Great Bookham, skirting Dorking to Newdigate, nearly to Sussex.
A bit of a wiggle in the navigation halfway.

Return journey after sticking to same or similar route,
Then Skirting Leatherhead, through Fetcham, Stoke D'Abernon, and Chobham.

Managed the heat ok, better to keep moving, you fried whenever you stopped.

65.6 miles @15.3 mph
2490 feet climbed, some of the hills a bit testing.
Pleased to have coped well, the Bournemouth sportive is next week
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The corn is coming on nicely


The sun was out


Blueberry blast cake, and a coffee up at Fort Nelson, it was getting toasty now.


I had to get to the waterside, before I suffered from spontaneous human combustion.


The weather was at its best now.



Square rigged tall ships.


One last pit stop before heading home.

A very warm 60 miles in the glorious sunny weather completed:bicycle::thumbsup:.:sun:
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Had a nice 14 mile bimble this evening once the heat of the day had passed. Started off by heading down Black Bank to Littleport, where I saw my one and only cyclist on a TT bike in full get-up. He was fizzing along at quite a rate, but still found time to wave as he rode past. From Littleport I rode along the A1101 to Golds Hill. It's normally a really busy road for this neck of the woods, but there was barely a car to be seen.

At Golds Hill I turned left to go along the Hundred Foot. By then the sun was low enough to throw the road into shade. In the winter it's so cold riding there once the sun dips below the levees, but today I was glad. Stopped in my usual place by a gated field for a good long drink and some Haribo. Then it's past the pumping station and under the railway bridge. There was an abandoned BMX bike in the weeds under the bridge sans front wheel. What else was missing from it, I couldn't really tell, but given that it's miles from nowhere, best guess is that the bike was nicked for parts.

From there it's past the railway sidings and into Pymoor. I just didn't fancy tacking Mill Hill in this heat, so took the short way home via the recreation ground and O Furlong.

While out, saw a flock of guinea fowl (some were jaywalking in the middle of the road), loads of cows, ponies and some newborn calves. Plus one very paranoid cat.

Got home, put a brew on and sat down with a salad, a chunk of Grasmere Farm pork pie and a dollop of sweet chilli sauce. Felt really good to get out in spite of everything.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Lovely ride today, though a tad warm by the time I got back to the car :sun:

Normally, I'd be on the L2B today, but my usual companions pulled out and I didn't fancy a solo ride.. Anyway I still set the alarm clock for 05:45 <yawn> so I could get going early on a nearer ride.. I usually pedal to Milton Keynes, but as I was planning 30 or so miles around the Redways and lakes, I thought that the extra 50 might drain me a bit too much :whistle:

I parked in Newport Pagnell and soon picked up the cycleways across to MK itself.


Keeping away from the busier parts and shopping centres, I just followed my front wheel and turned right or left when I felt like it, but with the aim of bagging a few OS markers on the way round..
I ended up doing a circuit or two of a few lakes, including Willen Lake, that was just starting to get very busy. That was my cue to leave!
I decided to visit Milton Keynes village (the bit that was there before all the new town was developed) and was pleasantly surprised by how quiet and peaceful it was.


Old Manor Farm and church by the village green!


More old woodworkings laying around in the shade..



At Willen Lake, I heard the sound of drums, gongs and the chanting of people heading for the Pagoda.
Turns out that it was the 37th anniversary of it being built, and they were celebrating the event.


By the time I got back to the car, fortunately parked in the shade, it was roasting.
I was happy to have got 35 miles done, and headed home for a shower and some cold beer.

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Today was one of those 'too hot to stop' rides!
I had to be home from my bike ride by 11.45 to visit Fil and the only other available leader for the social group cut her foot doing open water swimming so I offered to do a shorter than usual ride which worked out perfectly. Luckily I knew of a convenient pub that opens for breakfast. Unluckily their coffee machine wasn't working but the waitresses efficiently boiled the kettle a few times so all good. We sunbathed on the terrace before turning for home.
I'm finding it harder and harder these days not to go too fast for new riders who aren't used to keeping up, when it's not that long ago when it was me that couldn't keep up.
Glorious weather.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Beautiful day like everyone up ^^

Did a 40 miler to fill in some veloviewer explorer squares which I'm getting quite OCD about lol.

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Saw some closed road signs but presumed could sneak thru so carried on. Came to a completely barred road with various H&S signs on it. Checked out mapping but there was no feasible route to the A6 without backtracking a good 10 miles or so. So I sneaked around barrier and pootled forward, getting ready to turn coat if anyone started running at me all shouty like.

I figured I had a helmet on, so required hard hat was covered (Right Cyclechat?!? :P)

Saw a security vehicle but no one in it so peddled past, under the tree that was strewn across the road and beyond the far side barrier. Told you I was OCD about these explorer squares!

At the far side went across a quaint train station...

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So now I have a 10x10 square. Would have had bigger in London had I known about this, the amount of single empty squares is annoying!!

(BTW not sure why all the blue squares are there, even outside of the 10x10 boxes).

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Also done quite a few rides recently which I havent posted here so a few pics instead....

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League of Gentlemen village...

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
7.1 miles this day, nice weather for it, still bedding in those 25mm tires. A good many cyclists out there, my medicine has slowed me down a bit in comparison. Still a great little ride. Cooler temps after a week of heat wave.
78F, 26C
Winds W17
Relative humidity 50%
Barometer 29.76, 1008.9mb
Grilled out. Small steak, shrimp, and portobello mushroom caps.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I decided to go out bright and early to try to beat the worst of the heat, but it didn't work out that way. The first 10 minutes there was a great breeze and i thought i was on to a winner. Then the breeze disappeared and oh my god, it was freaking roasting. :laugh: i decided to cut my ride down by 10 miles due to the heat. Off i went Llanwrin. There is a lovely little church there and i decided to stop and have a look round the grave yard. I quite like grave yards. I couldnt go into the church though as most are kept locked these days.


Mde my way back along my normal route that runs alongside the A489 . The local sheep chearly know where to find the shady areas.

Back along the A489 , then turned off for home. Up the lane where i live, then a welcome shower and cup of coffee, and feet up. 15 miles in total done.

Old jon

Thirty four point three miles. Felt like the temperature was close to the mile count, now that would have been worth a comment. And I pondered long over the route this morning, wasted pondering due to a road closure and a failure of the autopilot. I should take more notice of stuff, the road closure had been reported . . .

So, off I went in the warm. The Holbeck Hornpipe for starters and the escape along Great Wilson Street to Crown Point Road. Up to the clock at Oakwood, I will credit a tailwind along that stretch ‘cos I certainly do not usually ride it that fast. Boot Hill is the next bit, or call it the A 58 or Wetherby road. Whatever it is called, it is still a long way up, to the Ring Road and beyond. Beyond as far as Whin Moor Lane where I turned left and rode along to Shadwell.

Left again on Shadwell Main Street and keep on all the way to Slaid Hill. Turn right at the lights along Wyke Ridge Lane and reach Tarn Lane to find the road along the ridge is closed. Oooops! OK, along Tarn Lane, turn left when Black Moor Lane is reached and be outsprinted by a squirrel!! You sort of know when it is going to be one of those days.

Through Bardsey, left on the A 58 and up the rise to the lights. Turn right for a bit of serious up to and through East Rigton, Rigton Green and that rather good ridge top road, for me ending in the drop of Jewitt Lane and back on the A 58. Turn right, along a few hundred yards and right again on Wattle Syke. Crochet or knit, it is a right faff making anything of the roundabouts at the end, I opted to take the A 659 to Boston Spa. A right turn for Clifford, Bramham next and I chose left and along to the A 64 roundabout. Autopilot wobble there, but malfunction yet to happen. So, I thought, right at the roundabout and take the cycle route to Potterton. That bit worked, although it was further along the A 64 than I remembered. Then, one left turn forgotten, grey cell telling me this is the wrong road, back on the A 64!! Oh sphericals!! One closed road early in the ride and I have zigged and zagged all over the place. Idiot. Ride along to Thorner Lane, left off that onto Skeltons and Red Hall Lanes and another left, the good old A 58 and a swift pedal down Boot Hill. All well again, grin in place. Across Leeds, Hunslet shortcut and home. By ‘eck, it does get warm when you stop.

The tale of zigs and zags



Legendary Member
It was York it was 54 miles.Going out was fantastic,even with a blow out.At Bardsey i hit a poyhole and bang the rear tube it was the valve,i had it too hard.So a 20 min sit down and a change over of tubes.A chap pulled up introduced himself as a cyclist and could he help.Great chap i thanked him and carried on with the wheel.
Now coming back oh boy,it was hot i left it while two to leave,hoping for some shade.27 miles in three hours oh the shame,i was shattered,some of the roads Northern Dave rides up i WALKED yes WALKED,no shame in admitting that.I even stopped off at The New Inn for a pint of cola with ice it was superb.Anyway i limped home roasted and tired.


Legendary Member
Hot ? ?....I love it :hyper:
Finished work, the drive home registered 33 degrees all the way. I'm itching to get out, busy weekend, a good weekend but no ride so I'm off out for an hour :smile:
Maybe I'll take it hell...5 miles in and I'm driving on, it's just not in me to pootle.
2/3 country roads, 1/3 rush hour traffic in Pboro, it's horrendous, roadworks on the A1M have created havoc here so a good few long stops at traffic lights.
19 miles, sweating like a pig, grinning like a Cheshire cat :laugh:.
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