You're a proper commuting cyclist when...

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The Eighth Man

Senior Member
When a can of Lynx is your morning shower
grhm said:
I have a rack to hang my clothes on that sits behind the PC - the hot air blasting out of there dries must thing by the time to go home.

When I worked in the milk processing room of a creamery a 25 mile ride away from my home, I used to drape my sweaty kit over the milk separators and cream pasteurisers to dry. If anyone ever got any butter that smelt a bit off, that may have been why.;)


Bird Saviour
Ivan Ardon said: chose your next house so it's far enough away from work so you get a decent run in the morning.

or you agree to take a job in Hinckley rather than Solihull because its 22 miles away rather than 3 miles away ;)


Bird Saviour
you happily cycle 22 hilly miles but once at work always call the lift rather than take the stairs because its too knackering to walk up them ;)

Davywalnuts said:
When you put your bike before you in an accident and more worried about broken carbon forks than bones.. hey, if one leg works, you can still cycle!

been there, lying in the road, telling the paramedic of course i didn't have a broken collar bone coz its not sticking up is it (o so wrong!), and "where is my bike??!!! is it ok?, are you sure? let me see it?, bring it in the ambulance, pleaaassee let me up so i can check it...."
... or when you find yourself warning pedalestrians behind you of potholes or gravel in the road ahead. And they have no idea why you're waving your hand around behind you.;)


You have Wiggle boxes around your desk at work; and you can eat the free sweets they drop in without feeling guilty.

P.S. My last Wiggle order arrived *without* the chewy sweets. Grr!
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