Should i ask for compensation for my bike and loss of earnings?

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Norven Mankey
Did Accy suffer a loss? Yes
Was it caused by the actions of a 3rd party? Yes (well, probably on the basis that Accy didn't ride into the back of him and make him fall off or whatever)
Could the 3rd party have reasonably foreseen that his actions could have resulted in a loss for Accy? Hmmm....this is the tricky bit

I guess if the other rider was riding in a reckless manner, too fast around a corner, drinking from a bottle and rode into Accy or whatever then the 3rd party could have reasonably foreseen that his actions may result in a loss for Accy. However, if he hit a pothole he couldn't see, hit a rock in the road he couldn't see, hit some ice he couldn't see etc etc then there's no comeback

So if the guy who crashed was, basically, riding like an idiot, Accy should pursue this. If it was "just one of those things" then suck it up and live with one of the potential consequences of group riding


Legendary Member
Some policies do not start paying out until 31 days. A recent quote of £75 a month got me £150 a week when off sick, the conditions were huge.

Personally I make sure that I have a reasonable financial buffer, and one that I add to.


Norven Mankey
You are having a laugh aren't you.

You ride with a group you get accidents. If you are both with BC they will tell you to get lost.

I'd drop it. Crap happens sometimes and this was an accident. As has said, if you continue with legal action, nobody will ride with you again.

Not sure I agree with this. If I was riding with you and decided to ride no handed to take off a jacket, collided with you causing you to fall off and suffer an injury wouldn't you be after me for compensation? It's all about whether the person was reckless or not. Not all accidents are unavoidable

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Some policies do not start paying out until 31 days. A recent quote of £75 a month got me £150 a week when off sick, the conditions were huge.

Personally I make sure that I have a reasonable financial buffer, and one that I add to.

I've had a few quotes from these rip off merchants and you'd be better off sticking a quarter of what they want in premiums under the mattress and relying on that. And any S/E person who has used them will tell you about the hassle involved in prizing any cash out of them.
What is reasonable?

If at fault then paying for the repairs is not unreasonable

However if I was expected to be writing blank cheques to cover the individual's income for a few days, weeks or a month it becomes unaffordable

That is why there is insurance cover

Unfortunately they will not accept and pay on a "Gentleman's agreement"

Putting it on an "official" basis protects both participants


Here for rides.
When have i said that i don't have insurance? I do, but claiming from them puts my premiums up.
Presumably the amount you claim outweighs the increased cost of future premiums else why buy the policy?


Not sure I agree with this. If I was riding with you and decided to ride no handed to take off a jacket, collided with you causing you to fall off and suffer an injury wouldn't you be after me for compensation? It's all about whether the person was reckless or not. Not all accidents are unavoidable

On the other side of the coin an accident is not necessarily negligence....



Hi Accy.
I hope you and your fellow rider are making a speedy recovery.
My two pence worth on this would be to let this go buddy. All sports are dangerous to a degree and I think it's solely up to the individual as to whether they want to run the risk of participating in it . The other guy who you collided with, may well not have any insurance which may well put him in financial hardship if you put out a claim against him. In my view this is noway, how you should treat a friend / fellow cyclist especially when the accident was caused by a bad set of circumstances that can happen to any of us and would be classed as a 50/50 blame. There's all kinds of sporting activities that involve risk. I wonder how many kids on there school holidays will go back to school with there arms in plaster after a fall in the local skateboard park etc. If you can claim from your insurance without the other rider being involved by all means do so because the whole point of insuring yourself is there just for these mishaps but if it's going to affect the other rider directly (financially) show a little humanity because it was just one of those things at the end of the day. From what I can understand nobody was behaving recklessly so just let it go buddy and put it down to experience.
All the best
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