Strictly 2014

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Parts thanks...didn't know the relic forsyth had stopped doing it tbh...might even be bearable now that he's no longer on the show....on second thoughts...nah still a shite program
A serious comment. Blokes dressed in pink chiffon wearing make up and glitter then yes nancy boys they are!!:cuppa:

I suspect that's a tongue in cheek comment, but anyway.

I used to work with a an ex-pro dancer. His fitness and flexibility were amazing as was his drop dead gorgeous girlfriend.

So if that's what you get from being a "nancy boy" bring it on.


Smutmaster General
The number of people who watch the show and know why it's called what it is. I admire the athleticism of the professional dancers, but the show is crap. I have spoken.


Good on yer, unhinged! My mate used to go to classes in Stoke and there were never enough blokes to partner the women, so if you're not gay and fancy holding a woman up close and personal it seems a good option :girldance:

That's not always the case now.

I started ballroom a few years ago and after about six months a new beginners class started on the same night as us, it had six men and three women.

You can imagine the disappointment when they first turned up, for weeks they must have been thinking, "yeah let's go to dancing classes, they'll be loads of spare." :biggrin:


Here for rides.
I don't watch it (until the dross is kicked out). TLH watches it.

I listen to it avidly during the dance numbers whilst doing something else; some of the best live music on TV.

Though overcompressed by the beeb. And the winkleperson makes my pulse race.


Eh up
And what about Mrs Fatboy Slim turning up every teatime just before the news, to spout about it Takes Two, what a load of bollocks, it not only dominates the weekend but the week as well, there is no let up until Christmas :angry:


Here for rides.
In a good or a bad way? I think we should be told.
My resting heart rate is 42bpm. My GP considers anything that speeds it up to be a good thing. I consider the Winkleperson to be a very good thing, and she is charming in person too.
I see that Donny Osmond's performance as guest judge has attracted a fair amount of flak. I agree that his scoring was inconsistent, his 'Yeah Baby!' repetitions were annoying and his remarks about holding Kristina's thighs slightly inappropriate. But who cares, he's Donny Osmond ! And watching Joanne and Anton dancing to his singing of Moon River was an absolute joy.
PS Kevin and Frankie still my favourites but several other couples starting to give them serious competition.


Itching to get back on my bike's
[QUOTE 3325491, member: 9609"]Does the audience still moronically clap along with every piece of music. Deeply irritating program.[/QUOTE]
cant say we have ever noticed , will watch next week and report back just for you @User9609


I thought Donny was OTT, but actually would probably make quite a good presenter of the show. I Like Claudia and Tess but don't see them as long term.

The three girls (Frankie, Caroline and Pixie) were head and shoulders above the rest on Saturday. Simon looked shell shocked to find himself in the bottom two.


Itching to get back on my bike's
[QUOTE 3325606, member: 9609"]
What I want to know is to people sit on their sofas at home eyes glued onto the TV clapping along like some deluded seal wanting a fish - just find the whole thing utterly bizarre.


must admit i normally sit watching as i peruse , whilst other half and my daughter sit and watch without the clapping
I live in a family full of women and so don't get the remote control very often. I have been won over to bakeoff this year and got into strictly a couple of years ago. It is all good harmless fun with a mix of comedy bad dancing with some quite good celebs.

Not sure why people moan about TV programmes. There are at least 30 on at any time plus the "off" button.
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