A 3-loop forum ride from Hebden Bridge (28/50/54 miles)

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My Armchair
Just got back from LBS and I am now indexing ok on the rear mech only tried it on the turbo but seems ok I will try to get out tomorrow morning again if I can just to check it is ok.

Did you watch how they did it Phil? Always amazes me just how quickly the guy at my lbs does the indexing and stuff, makes it look really easy.
I really don't want to ride the hybrid on Saturday :cry: Colin might beat me up a hill :ohmy:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Did you watch how they did it Phil? Always amazes me just how quickly the guy at my lbs does the indexing and stuff, makes it look really easy.
I really don't want to ride the hybrid on Saturday :cry: Colin might beat me up a hill :ohmy:

It was quite annoying as I replaced all the cables and the only thing that I couldnt so was get the indexing right on the smallest cog on the back :cursing: I dragged the guy out of the back and asked him how the hell he did it and to be honest I am non the wiser really. But he did say I had everything ok except that one thing. Apparantly I should have been setting up the indexing from the small cog up instead of the large cog down which is what I was doing, which makes sense I guess, and they didnt charge me anything so who there you go.

Just been out for a 17 mile test ride and it is sweet, that cable must have been going for a while coz it feels nice now. I guess with the other one going I should got it done sooner but at least I had it here ready.

So bring on the hills :surrender:............... then we can all watch fiona pedal up them with great ease :biggrin:


Oh! I found a route for OTE on Bikely and that went all the way down to Sowerby Bridge, up Tuel Lane and a long stint back on the A646. I thought that was a bit main-roadsy for a charity ride!

There were a couple of definite mistakes on it where the route did a u-turn so I reckon whoever posted it had logged it from his GPS and had a poor sense of direction on the day of the ride!

I've just done the Gold route on Bikely. I think the bronze Route just goes up Blackstone edge and then down Cragg Vale and back round the Calder Valley, the silver goes straight over the edge and does the lanes to Mytholmroyd, then misses the Heptonstall-Longcauseway loop.

It's advertised as 52 miles, but Bikely has 48.4 and I've always got about that from my data.
Next week is Spring Into The Dales but I'll organise something for the following weekend. probably the Sunday though unless there was a majority for the Saturday.

Is that Easter weekend? I have a prior engagement with a large number of tired, sweaty audaxers and a significant quantity of CAKE them - I promised to meet the Easter Arrowers at the pub with a pannier full :smile:

But some other time when you're doing a relatively tame ride I shall have to turn up. So long as there's someone there to eat all the cake....


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I really don't want to ride the hybrid on Saturday :cry: Colin might beat me up a hill :ohmy:
I'm just counting on beating you down the hills! ;)

(NB In case anybody thinks there is a real competitive thing going on - there isn't! We are just joking around. I was really pleased when potsy not only finally got up the steep bit of the Old Roman Road on our last ride back from Whalley, but did it a lot faster than I did!)

[QUOTE 1357155"]
Is that Easter weekend? I have a prior engagement with a large number of tired, sweaty audaxers and a significant quantity of CAKE them - I promised to meet the Easter Arrowers at the pub with a pannier full :smile:

But some other time when you're doing a relatively tame ride I shall have to turn up. So long as there's someone there to eat all the cake....
No, it is a week on Sunday, the 17th, so a week before Easter Sunday.

We should have another Waddington ride coming up, maybe the week after Easter? It will be the same format as the last one - hilly going out, easier coming back.

I am in, at least for part of the ride although may need to bail before all three loops are completed , especially if you're going up Mytholm Steeps!
Good man!

I'm not saying any more about the 3rd loop at the moment, especially because I might not be able to get up it on my Cannondale. I'm going to try and do it tomorrow and see how much it hurts my dodgy right thigh and dodgy hips! (Preferably without killing them off for Saturday. The last time I did some really hard climbs on the Cannondale, my hips throbbed for a week! :eek:)


I've just done the Gold route on Bikely. I think the bronze Route just goes up Blackstone edge and then down Cragg Vale and back round the Calder Valley, the silver goes straight over the edge and does the lanes to Mytholmroyd, then misses the Heptonstall-Longcauseway loop.

It's advertised as 52 miles, but Bikely has 48.4 and I've always got about that from my data.

Forgot to include the link: http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/Over-The-Edge-Gold


Legendary Member
I'm on the mend from the chest infection and am feeling better but I went for a two hour ride yesterday and cut it short after 45 mins as I kept losing concentration and wandering into the roadside verges. Anyway, I do reckon I'd be up for loop one tomorrow and am intrigued as to the clever routes Uncle Colin comes up with! Colin, the only thing that concerns me is to have to ride on that Halifax-Todmorden road but magnifying your Bikely route, it seems to be on parallel roads? Is this correct? If so, I'm intrigued to investigate that specific route.


Legendary Member
Fettling my regular buddy's gears last night and I discovered that he's going down to The Smoke this weekend so.... I might be interested if I can negotiate the time with Mrs Gti. If I can make it I'll see you in the car park at 09.45.

The forecast looks good for it.

Edit: Re-reading this thread I can see that Fiona has a logistics problem though I can't quite figure it out. I live 15 minutes from Preston station so could give you a lift over if that helped. My estate car takes 2 bikes easily.

If you're interested I'll PM my phone number.
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