A lesson from a coach driver...

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Here it is.

That looks like a very poor cycle lane in my opinion, on what is a fairly narrow road. On a road that width I'd want cars to pull around me rather than just drive past me. To be honest, I don't think I would use that lane. It's not even obvious that it is a cycle lane!


Legendary Member
magnatom said:
Ah, but this is an interesting point. I post the incident on here and the main focus of the thread soon turns to have/have not done wrong. Now I am used to this and to some extent it can be useful, but it does get a bit extreme sometimes.

Who was the victim in this incident? And who is taking the flak? Is it justified?

Water off a ducks back, and all that, its just fascinating to be on this side of it...

It is interesting isn't it? Nothing wrong with looking at how road-positioning could help avoid an incident such as this, but it was the coach driver that was the aggressive party in a vehicle that could easily kill, even at low speed.

The thought process that goes " That cyclist is not in his place in the cycle lane, therefore I will direct my several tonne of coach at him to teach him a lesson", well, it just sounds a bit psycho doesn't it?


New Member
magnatom said:
Ah, but this is an interesting point. I post the incident on here and the main focus of the thread soon turns to have/have not done wrong. Now I am used to this and to some extent it can be useful, but it does get a bit extreme sometimes.

Happens over and over again with footage here. I think in part its that theres little to be gained from just agreeing with the point that the original poster has made. Its also to do with the fact that whoever has been filmed rarely has any way of replying. You can also add in a space factor; the lenses on these little cameras don't really show spacing as well as you'd hope, and often the judgement of passing distance is very hard when viewing camera footage.

Add to that a certain amount of self flagellation among cyclists (who oddly often seem more intent on blaming another cyclist for a close overtake rather than the driver overtaking!) and posting footage becomes pretty challenging.


New Member
West Midlands
magnatom said:
I've just had a look at the footage. Here is a picture from the cycle path at the same place as yesterdays incident. Does this look like a path in good condition to you?

That's exactly what the cycle lane in my area that I posted about on this thread yesterday is like, in fact this one is worse.


I'm back! Yippeee
it may be differnt in real life but the footage i see is normal cycling for me i felt that u poss overeacted ? where u looking fo a conflict? yes he is wrong but you seem to be contributeing to it? only saying what i see,


steve52 said:
it may be differnt in real life but the footage i see is normal cycling for me i felt that u poss overeacted ? where u looking fo a conflict? yes he is wrong but you seem to be contributeing to it? only saying what i see,

Yes, I aimed my bike at the rear end of his bus...xx(


I've just had a reply from the company asking if I was the person who the incident actually happened to, as they have already received a complaint about it. Has someone complained about this on my behalf?

If so, I'd rather you didn't as surely it is up to me to make a complaint or not...xx(

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
magnatom said:
I've just had a reply from the company asking if I was the person who the incident actually happened to, as they have already received a complaint about it. Has someone complained about this on my behalf?

If so, I'd rather you didn't as surely it is up to me to make a complaint or not...xx(

no, but what a great idea!

power in numbers!!!

(i'm joking)


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
magnatom said:
I've just had a reply from the company asking if I was the person who the incident actually happened to, as they have already received a complaint about it. Has someone complained about this on my behalf?

If so, I'd rather you didn't as surely it is up to me to make a complaint or not...B)

Maybe the complaint was from the driver about a verbal assult from a mushroom clad lycra warrior with a squeeky voice :ohmy:xx(


Origamist said:
Mags, you've posted the clip on YouTube - anyone can complain about the driving if they see fit!

Aye, but it doesn't really help and it has obviously confused the chap at the company.

I'd never dream about complaining about a clip I saw on youtube without at the very least asking the person who posted it.

Hey ho.xx(


4F said:
Maybe the complaint was from the driver about a verbal assult from a mushroom clad lycra warrior with a squeeky voice :ohmy:xx(


I thought I was rather polite. I didn't swear once! :biggrin:
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