A pothole you would not want to hit

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
There's a ton of these appearing again, and they're deep too!
I can't see that one either! I'll try posting one of my own ...


I can see that one!


Here for rides.
Destroyed a wheel in one last week.

On the family car.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
On one club ride last winter
I was in a chain gang a couple of weeks ago and all you could hear every few seconds was riders shouting "hole". After about thirty minutes I started to find it quite comical. Tried not to laugh out loud as I wouldn't have been able to shout hole as well.....
On one stretch of a Sunday club run last winter it was decided that it was more sensible to shout 'NO hole'.........
...... heard on another Sunday ride, having smashed into a pothole shortly after hearing 'hole' shouted by the rider ahead, "Thanks - I'd have missed it if you hadn't pointed it out".


Puzzle game procrastinator!
(Sorry for going OT and going on about invisible images but ... I can now see the original picture - very curious!)


Legendary Member
(Sorry for going OT and going on about invisible images but ... I can now see the original picture - very curious!)

Colin, what were you and your pals doing lined up by the road near that former pub in Chaigley staring towards the Bowland fells one wintery day?


Über Member
I have a theory on this. As the water table is so very high this year compared to previous years, the level of destruction to the upper surface of our roads will break all previous records.
I know this to be possibly true.

Proven fact mate. My road Enigineer Bro-in-law just hates low lying roads and too much rain. Pot holes just appear due to the substrate getting washed away from underneath.

My local road has a 50m section that's just a few inches above the abnormally high water table. The weight of the vehicles mixed with this water table has caused the substrate under the tarmac to wash away.

brother-in-law pointed out the yellowish water being washed out of the side of the road into a water logged ditch every time a lorry passed this area. You could feel the road move. The water was that colour as it was the colour of the stone that had be laid there a few year earlier when the road was replaced.

Bro-in-law predicted imminent failure. True to his word a few days later the milk lorry was the last straw and the tarmac gave way.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Colin, what were you and your pals doing lined up by the road near that former pub in Chaigley staring towards the Bowland fells one wintery day?
We were thinking:
  1. Strewth, it's bloody nippy out here today!
  2. And - how long will it take Globalti to work out where we were! :thumbsup:
Ha - you were testing me ... I just checked, and you actually joined us for that forum ride in January last year!


Legendary Member
Ah yes, 29 January. But I only joined you from Rosegrove to Waddington. My notes say "very cold, dull, no wind".


'I read the news today, oh boy..."

A Beatles song comes to mind...though a quick Google suggests that Oldham is technically not in Lancashire.

The Horse's Mouth

Proud to be an Inverted snob!
This was the one that got me in 2010. Made a successful claim against Newham council though. Went to the Canary Islands on the proceeds.

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