aldi - what did you get?

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I went into the nearby Aldi tonight to buy some beer and nuts. I thought i'd have a look in the cycling bit. I couldn't see any turbo trainers. They've either all been sold or they didn't have any to sell.


Legendary Member
I went into the nearby Aldi tonight to buy some beer and nuts. I thought i'd have a look in the cycling bit. I couldn't see any turbo trainers. They've either all been sold or they didn't have any to sell.

Do not worry, they will be in fleabay soon.


Legendary Member
Believe what you like, i'm merely repeating what I was told. She works in the business, as far as I'm aware none of you do. Note the word quality. What happens after it leaves her company isn't in their control. What does make me smile is that you'll quite happily spend more than most of the public on bike stuff yet save a couple of quid on the food you eat. Skewed priorities?

I believe in my own experiences, saving money is not a major buying reason for us, there are a few others in front.


The rear light is great. Has a flash function too I didnt know about. The tablets taste the same as the high5 ones I use.

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
Not sure what the fuss is about with Aldi kit, its expensive for what it is. DHB stuff is far better and usually cheaper. As the Garmin's sold out throughout Leeds within 3 hours I imagine its people bulk buying and flogging on eBay.

I did once buy a Craft or Crain who knows Gilet, it was a sweat bag.

Well, I don't entirely agree. With some aldi stuff yes, you would be advised to look more up market but for other stuff it makes very little difference.

We are all different so what feels comfortable for you might not feel the same for me. Over the years I have bought many cycling items from Aldi and Lidl so I kind of know what to buy from them. I hardly buy cycling stuff from Liddle though,

I bought a couple of Gilet from Aldi maybe 4 years ago that I still wear quite happily. I have tried more expensive jerseys and failed to see the difference or at least failed to see something that made me think it was worth spending 6 or 7 times more. However, the bibs was another matter, all my bibs are now Assos and I'm happy. The first stop after Aldi bibs was Giordana something and then a Shutt Velo Rapide Pro which was rubbish, £86 down the drain, they fell apart in less than a year.

I like the rain jacket they do, I have worn jackets that are 8+ times the price and I sweat in them just as much.

I'm not a fan of their shoes though,

I have about 6 merino layers from them and never felt the need to go and pay more for an item that I feel comfortable wearing,

Talking to some club members about this same subject I came to the conclusion that people that talk negative about the Aldi cycling stuff in GENERAL, either cannot find the right size or they are after a logo that can tell them apart from the Aldi crowd :whistle:
I went into the nearby Aldi tonight to buy some beer and nuts. I thought i'd have a look in the cycling bit. I couldn't see any turbo trainers. They've either all been sold or they didn't have any to sell.

Packed the wife off yesterday as I was in London.

Lacal store was full of cyclist ripping off wrappers and trying things on


Moortown, Leeds
Personally, I don't thinks this is true. Mainly because Asda food tastes awful, as does the Co-Op's to my untrained tongue.

I'd hazard a guess that any difference is mainly a placebo for justification of the however many £'s extra you spent in a more expensive supermarket.

I'll happily spend £20-30 a week less and eat Aldi/Lidl's food. As with any type of food, as long as it's cooked properly, it will taste absolutely fine.

The problem I have with Aldi is their unfair purchase power over producers i.e. Aldi & Lidl both refused a guaranteed milk price per pint for farmers. I don't shop in Aldi near me because its rubbish, you spend an hour shopping then have to go to Sainsburys to get the other half of what you need because Aldi's range is so limited.


Senior Member
Believe what you like, i'm merely repeating what I was told. She works in the business, as far as I'm aware none of you do. Note the word quality. What happens after it leaves her company isn't in their control. What does make me smile is that you'll quite happily spend more than most of the public on bike stuff yet save a couple of quid on the food you eat. Skewed priorities?

If it makes you feel any better, my bike is from Planet X and cost half of what it should do if it was a properly branded item, my cycle clothes are from decathlon and my water from the tap. There's no justification in my mind for spending over £30 more in Asda, Tesco or Morrisons. Let alone the extra it would be in sainsburys and waitrose. Surely saving money on essentials is a sure way of having a few extra readies for things you really want? I'm by no means poor, but I really do hate paying more for something than I should. Of course it's your choice, and if you enjoy luxury food, then crack on shippers.


also available in orange
Ah, we're into 'I'm not poor, but I'm not paying what I think are over the odds for the same thing' territory. Now tell me how many Pinarellos you can afford to buy :rolleyes:....


Legendary Member
My experience of Aldi and Lidls fruit has been poor, so if it comes from the same place, they are doing something to it once it arrives at the store. It might be cheaper, but that's no good if it ends up in the bin because it is or tastes rotten! Get a bad apple in a bag from another supermarket, you can take it back. I've never seen a customer service desk in Aldi or Lidl. And none of the stores are that close, so it would cost me more in time to take something back so it would just be binned. The worst thing I bought was a bag of prepared salad leaves from lidl, odd taste and not fresh

I can't imagine my average shop would be any less from Aldi than Asda or Tesco, well it might be because I can't buy what I want to buy, and that certainly isn't luxury food

Their Heinz ketchup up is as good as others however, but then it's no cheaper ;) in fact I think brands are often more
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