Also off my bike for a while... I think... now definitely!

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Rural Kent
Sounds sensible if the ibuprofen works. My GP always says to take a 400mg one rather than 2x200mg, presumably more potent

Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor, reduces acid reflux. Better to take less pills if you can. I've never had an issue with naproxen, but I only take with meals (easier with the 2 x 500mg per day dose)

Cheers! *sinks a big old Cuprofen*


Legendary Member
GP thinks there's no impingement or tear, more likely I've pulled a muscle around the front of my arm. No treatment needed, just some gentle mobilisation and avoid sleeping on it if possible. My posture is awful, she has recommended Pilates. It's really not the sort of thing that appeals at all but I have a gym membership so I will give a class a go after Easter.

Good news, all my bloods are fine


Rural Kent
GP thinks there's no impingement or tear, more likely I've pulled a muscle around the front of my arm. No treatment needed, just some gentle mobilisation and avoid sleeping on it if possible. My posture is awful, she has recommended Pilates. It's really not the sort of thing that appeals at all but I have a gym membership so I will give a class a go after Easter.

Good news, all my bloods are fine
That is great news. Have to say that in spite of knowing all about posture etc, mine isn't very good either and I am thinking of doing Pilates too, as well as physio. It is mostly about strengthening your back muscles so your shoulders don't droop forwards and you hunch like wot I am doing now over my keyboard. *sighs*!


Legendary Member
Hey @Ganymede how's the recovery going?

I've been back to the GP as my shoulder seems to be getting worse not better. Referral to physio, appointment this afternoon (using private HC, 8-12 week wait on NHS :ohmy: )


Rural Kent
Hi Vickster, thanks for asking! I think I have overdone things a bit and am still in quite a bit of pain - seems to have gone backwards in some respects while the soreness of the rasped bone has definitely improved. I still haven't been on my bike but that's partly other factors. I think I will try at the weekend.

Sorry to hear yours isn't any better. I do think physio can be a huge help so I hope that goes well for you :hugs:


Rural Kent
Physio concurs, biceps tendonitis, ultrasound, acupuncture today, a stretch to do, back next week
Tendonitis is better than tendonosis! It should get better - if you are fond of anti-inflammatories (which should work with -itis) then the stronger Ibuprofen gel is great.


Legendary Member
Tendonitis is better than tendonosis! It should get better - if you are fond of anti-inflammatories (which should work with -itis) then the stronger Ibuprofen gel is great.
Well I guess as it's being going on 3 months, albeit untreated, it is moving towards chronic. I am taking naproxen to see if it helps (as well as with the additional ails caused by yesterday's tumble :blush: )

Mrs M

Ouch, hope you're feeling better soon. :smile:
I have just acquired tennis elbow, can barely lift a cup :sad:
Ibuprofen not helping much, (at all). Will probably have to be brave and go back to osteopath, even though it feels like torture.


Legendary Member
Ouch, hope you're feeling better soon. :smile:
I have just acquired tennis elbow, can barely lift a cup :sad:
Ibuprofen not helping much, (at all). Will probably have to be brave and go back to osteopath, even though it feels like torture.
If you have tennis elbow, do get it sorted asap. Mine went on too long and needed surgery in the end (the tendon was barely attached at that time). I'm not sure what an osteopath will do?

Try a tennis elbow support and a good physio (not that either worked for me but 90% of tennis elbows clear up in a few months without surgery etc! :sad: ) And try to stop doing whatever it was that caused it (for me, I think riding a too big bike, possibly computer use)

You could try ice (wrapped in a cloth) or heat (one of those microwave gel packs) or both.

Mrs M

Thanks :smile:
May call osteopath first and ask him if he can "sort" it, he's very good and will be honest. He's performed some miracles in the past.
Have to wait a couple of weeks for GP physio but may get sooner through work (especially if not there).
Had to go home early today and it's messed up my long weekend, grr.
Best wishes.


Legendary Member
It is a crappy condition but it *should* clear for now and avoid doing anything that annoys it. I was sort of lucky that it was my left, not dominant arm (I have to be different). At least my shoulder is the right dominant side, not that it helps much

8-12 week for NHS physio here...fortunately I have private HC and managed to get into physio about 5 hours after GP appointment and referral !!


Rural Kent
Thanks :smile:
May call osteopath first and ask him if he can "sort" it, he's very good and will be honest. He's performed some miracles in the past.
Have to wait a couple of weeks for GP physio but may get sooner through work (especially if not there).
Had to go home early today and it's messed up my long weekend, grr.
Best wishes.
Good luck Mrs M!
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