An object lesson in keeping your mouth shut...

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Twelve Spokes

Time to say goodbye again...
CS 2
Nobody is suffering because of the bad behaviour by cyclists, that's absurd, if a car is driven aggressively or recklessly it's the DRIVER'S fault, nobody else's.

Well they make it an excuse then.Actually I said today I think sometimes in London the attitude is poor out on the roads.People in too much of a hurry?



Senior Member
Most cyclist red light jumpers do it not to save time, but because it's often safer. So, they may often go through red after noting that the sequence on the other side has gone to amber. This gives an opportunity to get away from accelerating vehicles behind, sometimes avoiding left hooks or other danger.

I think you're given them too much credit there Sara. Most of the incidents of RLJ'ing I see are nothing to do with safety at all, in fact, it looks downright dangerous. And bear in mind that they're jumping a light that I've also stopped at and I'm the least likely person to sit in any kind of dangerous position.

As I said before, the bitch comment was out of order.


Senior Member
[QUOTE 2922134, member: 30090"]Wow, I mention about a relatively minor event (which RLJing is compared to other road stats) only for the OP to wish that said cyclist 'comes a cropper' which I took to being getting hit, hence why ''the not very nice comment'' and I've been labelled a troll - the mind boggles.[/quote]

Could have meant getting hit, could've meant getting fined, could've meant having some oik in a cab tearing them off a strip, infer what you will...

These people make a conscious decision to disobey the law and have obviously concluded that they either a) cannot get hit, or b) don't care if they do get hit - so, whatever ultimately happens as a result of their actions is of their own making, nothing to do with what I think or feel.


It is my own fault as I am the wrong height and every umbrella I meet on a wet day has spikes just at eye level

In Portsmouth one day and there were a group coming along with no cares in the world and three umbrellas forming an impenetrable shield of spiked weaponry advancing towards me............... and straight into my face

So I screamed... just one loud manic scream of pent up frustration.

Then smiled at the three and said "Sorry - I just promised myself that the next time I was poked in the eye with an umbrella I would scream.... I'm fine now"
I don't think any cyclist is unbothered if they get hit. On the contrary, some cyclists' lives would have been saved if they had jumped a red.
Im suffering for the general poor behavior out on the roads by cyclists.I had a run in with two motorist cycling hating workmates today.It's not unusual now and they bring up the rljing all the time.Oh and about my collision.Apparently I was too close.Really p1553d me off and making me look like a bad cyclist.:angry:

Not the actual fact that when I put the brakes on,nothing happened.

Oil on the rims? I didn't check at the time (I should have) but no way was I going too fast.If I had been I would have ended up in hospital.

I solved this with one guy at work who I showed on video performing a left hook speeding through a red light...... he hasn't complained about cyclists in my hearing since

Twelve Spokes

Time to say goodbye again...
CS 2
I solved this with one guy at work who I showed on video performing a left hook speeding through a red light...... he hasn't complained about cyclists in my hearing since

I asked one of them if he had had a collision.He didn't answer that one straight away then he said no.He's a WUM anyway.


Senior Member
[QUOTE 2922341, member: 30090"]It'll be A - always is. It's the other muppets out there who make something out of nothing that are a pain in the arse.[/quote]

A) is delusional, B) is masochistic/suicidal - neither sound like a good option to me, but as I say, their decision, not mine.
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