An object lesson in keeping your mouth shut...

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Tim Hall

I say @Tim Hall could you repeat your anecdote please.
But of course:

Re. the letting things slip out, a couple of years ago a bloke on a bike shot out from a junction across my bows without a sideways glance. Reactions from me were to (a) apply brakes sharpish and (b) say "twat". He then applied his brakes, stopped and thumped me, before riding off into the sunset. It was all over very quickly. I was a bit shaken but then thought WTF and filled my head with pleasant thoughts.

(Shock news: mode of transport isn't a fail safe guide to personality traits)


But of course:

Re. the letting things slip out, a couple of years ago a bloke on a bike shot out from a junction across my bows without a sideways glance. Reactions from me were to (a) apply brakes sharpish and (b) say "twat". He then applied his brakes, stopped and thumped me, before riding off into the sunset. It was all over very quickly. I was a bit shaken but then thought WTF and filled my head with pleasant thoughts.

(Shock news: mode of transport isn't a fail safe guide to personality traits)

was his name Glenn ?


Senior Member
Scrolled through 6 pages and still no footage! Lol

I didn't have the heart to even look at it tonight, kind of affected my day a bit and I wanted an evening not thinking about it.


Über Member
Should've called her a b*****d instead. I'm surprised feminists don't get upset that you didn't use they instead of she.
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jack smith

i dont see why people are bitching about you tbh mate, you just showed concern, if she got wiped out by a car and killed it would have been totally different, and everyone would be whining at you about not stopping her. ( people just like to moan) anyone who puts other lives at risk for no reason is an arse and should be called whatever you can summon up at the time.
i for one openly admit when some idiot nearly knocks me off in a vehicle, or most commonly pulls out right infront of me so i need to slam on my breaks and swerve i give them a gob full so they can hear it and plenty of hand signals, if people want to endanger my life so they can get to their destination a fraction quicker ( never the case due to traffic and lights ect) then they can face the consequences of being called a tosser. ( not unreasonable) and if anyone ever physically threatened me like the case you have here i would act in self defence. reasonable force, eye for an eye all that rubbish.

Twelve Spokes

Time to say goodbye again...
CS 2
I really don't give a t055 anymore if they jump the lights or have no lights fitted.It's just it seems to give motorists a licence to drive like total cretins and then I come up against the messroom wind up merchants who bring up the RLJing and all the other things cyclists get up to all the time.Has the mobile phone been invented yet?


Senior Member
i dont see why people are bitching about you tbh mate, you just showed concern, if she got wiped out by a car and killed it would have been totally different, and everyone would be whining at you about not stopping her. ( people just like to moan) anyone who puts other lives at risk for no reason is an arse and should be called whatever you can summon up at the time.
i for one openly admit when some idiot nearly knocks me off in a vehicle, or most commonly pulls out right infront of me so i need to slam on my breaks and swerve i give them a gob full so they can hear it and plenty of hand signals, if people want to endanger my life so they can get to their destination a fraction quicker ( never the case due to traffic and lights ect) then they can face the consequences of being called a tosser. ( not unreasonable) and if anyone ever physically threatened me like the case you have here i would act in self defence. reasonable force, eye for an eye all that rubbish.

Are they b'ing about me (can't even use that word now! ^_^) ?

I don't mind though, that's half of what the contributors to forums do, it's like going cycling and expecting everyone to comply with the law, it just ain't ever gonna happen.
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