Any company you refuse to use?

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Heavy Metal Fan
I'm considering Amazon as one. I had previously been subscribed to Google Music (£10/month) and Netflix (£7/month) and found I wasn't watching much TV. So I cancelled both and signed up to Amazon Prime (equivalent to £6.50/month for music and film/TV). So I'm searching for loads of different artists only to find that many are not on there at all, and I must pay an additional monthly fee for "Prime Music Unlimited". Also, some artists are on there but I only have access to 1 or 2 out of their 10 or so albums. And I've paid for a year's subscription so have to put up with this for a year. I then remembered why I'd gone off them years ago, because I signed up to Prime but most things I bought weren't eligible for free Prime delivery anyway :cursing:


Legendary Member
If you're wondering why I won't have anything off Murdoch, though, Googling "Sun front page 19 April 1989" might be a good starting point.

No, I wasn't wondering ;)

Going back to the theme of the thread, and sticking with newspapers, I've binned the Guardian a few weeks ago. Despite being a bit leftie for my tastes I always admired the quality of the reporting and the insight of the editorial. Alas, since a certain referendum in 2016 they've descended to a level of childish name calling, even actual swearing, at people they disagree with. I've no time for such childishness from any political direcrion, so they lost a subscriber. I want to read the news, not partake in sub-primary school playground level pettiness.

So, in short, I won t buy a Guardian newspaper, at least not until they grow up. This is awkward, as there aren't any other news sources I'm entirely happy with either.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
No, I wasn't wondering ;)

Going back to the theme of the thread, and sticking with newspapers, I've binned the Guardian a few weeks ago. Despite being a bit leftie for my tastes I always admired the quality of the reporting and the insight of the editorial. Alas, since a certain referendum in 2016 they've descended to a level of childish name calling, even actual swearing, at people they disagree with. I've no time for such childishness from any political direcrion, so they lost a subscriber. I want to read the news, not partake in sub-primary school playground level pettiness.

So, in short, I won t buy a Guardian newspaper, at least not until they grow up. This is awkward, as there aren't any other news sources I'm entirely happy with either.

You could do worse than give the I a whirl.

Two or three people I know are quite partial to it, although one thinks they've fallen into the trap of trawling to find negative stories about Br***t, rather than balanced reporting of it.


Legendary Member
You could do worse than give the I a whirl.

Two or three people I know are quite partial to it, although one thinks they've fallen into the trap of trawling to find negative stories about Br***t, rather than balanced reporting of it.

It is a great shame. Prior to that their reporting and editorial transcended their political bias and it was invariably a well presented, absorbing source of news, analysis and opinion.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Safestyle, biggest bunch of sharks in the already murky pond of PVCu windows.

I've never used them, but I gave them a suitable review on Google+ when they did some work for a neighbour who lives on a busy main road, blocking the pavement with their van and forcing pedestrians to step into the road around it.


Legendary Member
Although, despite Ford's unfortunate stance on the subject, historical analysis has shown they weren't any more likely to go up in flames than their contemporaries.

Hugh Manatee

I haven't had anything from coca cola, mcdonald's of kfc for 25 years. My kids don't either and acually got some flak for it at school. They are old enough to have looked into it for themselves and have decided to give them a wide berth as well.

I am trying to avoid brands with palm oil/fat in them as well. If you're trying to lose weight, this is an excellent policy as the stuff is in absolutely everything.


Never used Über Member
A new addition to my list:


Despite having a Pro account with them for well over a decade, the recent change of ownership sees the cost increase significantly to £49.99/year and the "unlimited" free option is being downgraded to just allow 1,000 photos to be uploaded. I guess it's time to move on. It's like they've never heard of their competitors.

"Free members with more than 1,000 photos or videos uploaded to Flickr have until Tuesday, January 8, 2019, to upgrade to Pro or download content over the limit. After January 8, 2019, members over the limit will no longer be able to upload new photos to Flickr. After February 5, 2019, free accounts that contain over 1,000 photos or videos will have content actively deleted -- starting from oldest to newest date uploaded -- to meet the new limit. "
Last edited:


Safestyle, biggest bunch of sharks in the already murky pond of PVCu windows.

We have a local mob called Thermaglaze who go around sticking signs advertising their crummy business everywhere. If I have a moment and there's no one approaching from behind I always make a point of stopping and binning them. They even had the cheek to place some signs in front of proper ones for another window company who had paid for sponsored ad signs on a roundabout!


It's a bit more complicated than that...
I refuse to deal with any company that cold calls; either directly, telephonically or electronically. Especially any door to door salesmen - commercial, charitable or religious. :stop:
So if a woman comes knocking....


It's a bit more complicated than that...
You could do worse than give the I a whirl.

Two or three people I know are quite partial to it, although one thinks they've fallen into the trap of trawling to find negative stories about Br***t, rather than balanced reporting of it.
But according to anyone who knows anything it's going to be shoot, so negative reporting *is* balanced.
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