Any Runners On Here??

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Here for rides.
I've got one . . . but never use it.
Only you can do anything about that. ;)


Active Member
Very interesting. I have been running about 18 months now at age 63. Run between 6 and 10 miles ,3 times per week. Im definitely a plodder. However i do struggle with recovery,its probably due to my non existent training plan. Its something i must look into and implement as im sure a training plan would make a big difference.


Blue collar cyclist
A saturday off means parkrun. I totally wasn't in the mood for it and didn't push too hard at the start. Regretting that as I ended up with a 22:32, just two seconds off my pb!
And to tie that into recent posts on this thread, I got an age grading of 63.39%
Did the D33 in 4:45 yesterday. My watch ran out of battery just before the end, but the last 4 miles were all sub 8 minutes and each were 10 seconds quicker than the previous mile.(22:49 for the last 3 miles logged - 30 - 32 inc.). Happy as a sand boy with that.


Legendary Member
Well Pubbers, all this running talk got me out this morning for a swiftish (for me at least) 5 miles!

Ha !

I read about your 5 mile run (felt guilty) & decided to do a very hilly 9.5 miles with the dog. Two days on and it still feels like I've done a marathon.

I've put my name down for the CChat Manchester to Llandudno ride. I'll only be doing half the ride (50 miles) and I need to make some kind of (token :smile:. ) effort to get fit. I can't see myself doing any cycling beforehand, so I'll have to try and get in some running miles.
I haven't done a 'swiftish' 5 miles for ages. If I tried, I'd probably struggle to get under 40 minutes, which I'd find rather depressing, by comparison with what I have done. I'll try and get in 3 runs this week and hopefully, 4 the week after, working up to 6 days a week of running.


I ran for 20 minutes non-stop yesterday.

I've been following a 5km running plan from Garmin. It's a 12 week program based on HR zones. I started early in January but, because of frequent niggling little injuries and the occasional short-lived loss of mojo, i have just completed week 4. Often repeating a workout two or three times before i nail it.

Back in January there is no way i could have run for so long. Not even if i was trying to make it for last orders with a tiger nipping at my heels. So i'm very pleased, even though i covered only 3km. Next session is the mysterious and sporty sounding 'intervals', no doubt aimed at improving pace.

My goals are: 5k in under 30min; 5k under 25min; run 10k; and more vaguely triathlon and fell running.


Legendary Member
I ran for 20 minutes non-stop yesterday.

I've been following a 5km running plan from Garmin. It's a 12 week program based on HR zones. I started early in January but, because of frequent niggling little injuries and the occasional short-lived loss of mojo, i have just completed week 4. Often repeating a workout two or three times before i nail it.

Back in January there is no way i could have run for so long. Not even if i was trying to make it for last orders with a tiger nipping at my heels. So i'm very pleased, even though i covered only 3km. Next session is the mysterious and sporty sounding 'intervals', no doubt aimed at improving pace.

My goals are: 5k in under 30min; 5k under 25min; run 10k; and more vaguely triathlon and fell running.

Good for you, for what you have achieved so far ! I'm sure that you'll not only achieve your goals, but will soon be setting more ambitious targets.

The only advice that I can give, is to enjoy what you do.
Two good Club runs this week

Tuesday; saw me taking up station as one of the 'Lantern Rouge' runners, to encourage/cajole the back-markers

We ran the route shown here;

It had been decided that the intermediates would go at their own pace, & go along Long Lane, to the Rustic Arms, & then turn along Station Road
Denise, & I went looked after them, taking a couple apiece.

Once we'd reached Lee Lane, it was decided that they would cut down it, turn left at the bottom & then turn round when they met the approaching intermediates
If they got to the 'Triangle' (quite literally the green triangle, at the junction of Rigg Lane & Station Road, they'd turn round

Denise decided to take them down Lee Lane, so I had a chance to stretch the legs (which were now nicely 'warmed up'), & see if I could catch any of the intermediates strung out on Long Lane

I caught the first two, on the 's-bend', just after where it says Long Lane, another 2 at the junction with Station Road, 3 at the two-mile mark

Then came across Denise & group, by Westfield Grove (circa 2.3 mile)
Feeling good, I kept chasing, & managed to catch/pass all but about 3 of the (originally 24 strong bunch)

Then upon reaching the Club-house, turned round & went back to meet Denise & group, to encourage them back

Curiously, I'd ran in tights
It was the first time since about last April, & whilst the crotch (sorry!!) got a bit sweaty, I guess the legs worked better with the muscles being warmer than in shorts??

Note the Cycling club gilet
Selfie. 2015. 5.JPG

Today; A run in the opposite direction (27 starters, I think?)
Wakefield Road, for 20 minutes, then turn round, was the suggestion?

A quite slow first 3/4 mile, working the way through the bunch & saying "Hello" to various people (9min/mile?)
Finally working to the front group, sharing the pace-making (& picking it up)
Then Simon came towards us, turned round & ran with us (he's a '19' minute ParkRunner!), so the challenge was to stop with him, & at least 'on his shoulder':becool:
(managed it - just!)

We had straight turn-around at the 'Spread Eagle', then a quicker pace on the way back (seeing other groups still heading out, or passing them after their 20 minute turn-arounds)
I guess the Mapometer link above isn't 100% accurate, due to where we crossed roads & roundabouts, but it's a close enough figure

I stopped the watch at 35:12, upon reaching the club-house car-park, say...... 4.5 miles

A good 2 days, should set me up nicely for running to work tomorrow dinner-time


Here for rides.
Made a TERRIBLE mistake. Had a session, the first of several, with a personal trainer.

Glutes, hammies and core I said.
Glutes, hammies and core he nodded, and handed me at kettle bell.

That was Monday. I still have the worst DOMS in the last 20 years...
I ran for 20 minutes non-stop yesterday.

Back in January there is no way i could have run for so long. Not even if i was trying to make it for last orders with a tiger nipping at my heels. So i'm very pleased, even though i covered only 3km. Next session is the mysterious and sporty sounding 'intervals', no doubt aimed at improving pace.
I still hate intervals, & hill-sprints, when we do them, I find an excuse to just run instead:angel: (ie; taking the intermediates out, to increase their distance/pace)

My goals are: 5k in under 30min; 5k under 25min; run 10k; and more vaguely triathlon and fell running.

You're mad (so, join the club)


The only advice that I can give, is to enjoy what you do.
I thoroughly enjoy it, thanks :smile:. It's just the nagging little problems i get often. First it's one leg/foot, that calms down, and then the other starts complaining. I suffer from sciatica and chronic plantar fasciitis, so i have to compensate for this. Anyway, that's enough complaining I just love getting out.
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