Are Chav's responsible for the decline of JJB sports?

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Legendary Member
I buy materials from a co which imports it from China. A lump of it has gone up from £150 to £200 in the last 2 years. Maybe it is down to transport costs rising,, maybe it is because of currency fluctuations which haven't filtered back down. It may be because of rising labour costs in China. All I do know is that companies with huge shops are being squeezed now as they can't compete with the web on anything other than convenience.

Ship bunker fuel has risen from usd 150 a tonne four years ago to usd 700 a tonne today.
a container ship bringing that stuff from china will be burning 30-40 tonnes a day for 6 weeks to get your stuff here


Ship bunker fuel has risen from usd 150 a tonne four years ago to usd 700 a tonne today.
a container ship bringing that stuff from china will be burning 30-40 tonnes a day for 6 weeks to get your stuff here

It isn't good is it. If I could source my materials from a UK manufacturer, I would, but there is only a single importer in the UK :sad:
So its all over the news that JJB have gone in to Administration with the loss of thousands of jobs,so is it just poor management or a declining economy that have closed it?Or my theory is because the chavs have taken sports wear as their choice of fashion this has led to the everyone else not to wear it:laugh:

This would be the last shop I would ever go in to buy sports wear.


Senior Member
South Shropshire
I went into a sports direct store with my little sister recently and was astounded at how low the prices were. Something that was even more astounding was watching a family/small group of chav types shoplifting (they used the old, stuff a bag full of stuff and when the alarm goes off the group walks back in making a scene whilst the person holding the bag full of nicked gear wanders off up the high street).


Senior Member
Near Windsor
Nowt wrong with a bit of Primarni Autumn/Winter collection:becool: :laugh:
Heard that one for the first time today and it made me chuckle. Probably because I live in a parallel universe and/or don't have teenage kids. :reading:

I'm not generally too bothered about designer labels though – my first cycling jersey cost the princely sum of 10 Deutschmarks (about £3) and If I still had it I'd wear it. I don't begrudge paying for quality, but not double bubble just because it's got someone else's name on it. I mean, come on – Calvin Klein pants for example. The guy is famous for haute couture – he did not design your boxer shorts. He just got paid $$$ for letting someone write his name on them. Other than that they are pretty much identical to Florence n Fred's Finest*.
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