Are Cheap Bikes worth it?

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Leg End Member
The prson you responded to there IS the purchaser.
Suggest you read the post I replied to.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
@phil-b; might be worth giving us all the info (such as what you actually want in the bike) otherwise everyones' potentially wasting their time beating around the bush as to what might be suitable..

FWIW if it's for commuting you don't want a new, expensive bike as it's likely to take a hammering, no matter how careful you are with it; plus there's the theft risk.

As a case in point I have a Genesis Croix de Fer 30 that retailed at £2k when I bought it, as well as a Fuji Touring that was bought used, is much more modest and owes me about a quarter of what I spent on the Genesis.

The Genesis was supposed to be a utility bike but it's too good for that, the Fuji is a bit tatty; really the ideal utility bike and gets used far more.

The Genesis is technically better but for the use it gets the Fuji's 95% of the way there and scores extra bonus points for actually being not-sufficiently-precious to actually leave locked up..


You can't generally get quality without paying for it.
"quality" is difficult to pinpoint. I recall a team building seminar, all about quality and impact on the projects we were doing.

Discussions moved to cars. Would a Kia, offering a 7 year warranty be classed as a quality car? The class were all nodding in agreement, until he brought up Bentley's and Rolls Royce. Are these better quality? Again we all nodded, but none of us would buy one to do their weekly shopping. And a Rolls, only come with a 4 year warranty and Bentley just 3 years. But the buyers of Kia's and Rolls/Bentley are all happy with the quality of their purchases.

The trainer, made us realise that a quality system was one that provided a solution that was acceptable on cost, had an acceptable level of faults and was fit for purpose.

Same goes for the bikes. If the cost is acceptable and the amount of faults acceptable and does the job, then it is of acceptable quality.


Über Member
west wales
  • Men’s mountain bike
can anyone tell me anything about this bike. if the frame is of reasonableit might be worth fixing up


Leg End Member
but you can sprinkle glitter on it :smile:
Doesn't require the glitter.



Über Member
west wales
You'll only be able to answer that after a detailed examination to find out what needs doing and weigh that against the purchase price.
The typo in your title says it all really :smile:

I have never heard of omega bikes before and dont know if they are a quality brand or not. I dont mind putting in work and new parts. In fact I will enjoy the process and have a bike i am more invested in rather than a soleless but new cheap bike

All uphill

Still rolling along
Univega, not Omega. Wikipedia will give you the history.

Check it over; does it fit? Does the seatpost move or is it stuck? Is the stem free or is it stuck? Are the wheels straight and do they run freely?

If all is good it'll need mudguards, lights, probably chainset, chain and cassette.

If I needed a commuter I'd say it could be the basis of a decent one.

If all is OK probably worth £30 imo


Legendary Member
I would not buy anything from Argos. Not even the free catalogue if they still do them. Look in the local market places and ask around friends to see if they have got a bike to give away.


Über Member
Univega, not Omega. Wikipedia will give you the history.

Check it over; does it fit? Does the seatpost move or is it stuck? Is the stem free or is it stuck? Are the wheels straight and do they run freely?

If all is good it'll need mudguards, lights, probably chainset, chain and cassette.

If I needed a commuter I'd say it could be the basis of a decent one.

If all is OK probably worth £30 imo

A chainset, chain and cassette will come in to more than £100 with fitting.
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