Are they having a laugh ?

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Senior Member
Weymouth, Dorset
What exactly are they taking though, if they don't eat the food or get the freebies and the finishing timings?

I am like a stuck record here. They obviously felt they were taking something from it or else they wouldn't have gone. They would have cycled elsewhere or done something else.

I am doing a sportive in April. I will take all my own food and drink and will use my garmin so don't technically need a time chip either. What I hope to get from the event is the mass participation of riding with so many other like minded people. I may be disappointed and end up riding with a miserable bunch who dont want to talk but we shall see.


Silencing his legs regularly
You quoted my post without reading it it seems. If you happen to be there then no problem. But if you specifically go there to participate in the event without paying then that it not on.

Technically yes, if the roads are not closed for an event then any road user can be there. And technically they have done nothing wrong, but from a morally a low thing to do to take for free what others have paid for.
I've done sportives, enjoyed them...and paid for them. I no longer feel inclined to do so.
No, I read it perfectly well thank you. Nothing 'technical' about it. People have paid for the things called 'roads' already. Some of them might just prefer not to bother with goody bags, timing chips (many of us have bike computers and smartphones already which do the same job, funnily enough), and to pick their own feeding stations. Or 'cafes', 'tea rooms' and 'supermarkets', as we generally call them.


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2894427 said:
So they are in fact adding themselves to the camaraderie and enhancing the event?
I like your thinking. I should be paid to ride the event so other cyclists achieve that sense of camaraderie they've paid for.


My Armchair
This is starting to sound a little like when motorists say they pay for the road so cyclists shouldn't be on it, didn't think I'd get that from fellow riders :rolleyes:
I've only ever done one sportive and that was the Manc to Blackpool 3 years ago, judging by some of the riding on show I wouldn't want to be a part of that again even if you paid me ^_^


Senior Member
Weymouth, Dorset
I feel like the whole lot of you are just playing devils advocate here and messing around. It is a very sad state of affairs if you honestly think it is not a problem to just turn up to any sportive in the country and just join in for free. I cannot believe that you all genuinely have that attitude and would consider doing it yourself.


Silencing his legs regularly
I feel like the whole lot of you are just playing devils advocate here and messing around. It is a very sad state of affairs you honestly think it is not a problem to just turn up to any sportive in the country and just join in for free. I cannot believe that you all genuinely have that attitude and would consider doing it yourself.
'Join in for free'? No, we're exercising our legal right, as taxpayers and citizens, to travel on the roads we pay for when we want to. Next up you'll be trying to tell us that to use downloaded routes from ridewithgps, strava, etc is a breach of copyright.....
Already been hinted at on here, but shall we look at it from a cyclists pov and 2 who regularly ride a certain route in a very quiet picturesque part of the country. One day this cyclist and his partner are riding along together when a car overtakes them and the passenger shouts abuse at them, weird, never happened in these tranquil parts before. A few minutes later after taking a right turn at a t-junction they find themselves in among a long string of "cyclists" many of who are wearing Sky kit. They catch up with the nearest group who are riding three abreast on the narrow country lane and are about to ask what is going on but have to dodge a gel wrapper tossed out by one of the group, before they can speak, one of them riding a Giant carbon bike with 50mm deep section gasps "are you in the race too?" before they can answer he casts a disparaging look at their bikes with no gears, wobbles and nearly brings down his mates and says "forget it".
Utterly puzzled by now, they overtake this small group but a few hundred yards further on are stopped by traffic lights at road works on a blind bend, as they wait there 50 or 60 red faced "cyclists" overtake them and go through the lights which are still on red, a car horn is heard and a few seconds later a car passes them coming through the road works and once again abuse is shouted through the window. Two miles later and climbing a long 5% hill they overtake a great many "cyclists" who are now very red in the face and for reasons unknown are twiddling very low gears at very low speeds and some walking.
The whole experience leaves them very perturbed and feeling unsafe so they cut their ride short and head home thinking, that could never happen again in a million years thank goodness.
One month later big yellow signs with arrows on are still dotted around the area.
Only very very slightly tongue in cheek as it is all factual but not necessarily in that order.


Senior Member
Weymouth, Dorset
'Join in for free'? No, we're exercising our legal right, as taxpayers and citizens, to travel on the roads we pay for when we want to. Next up you'll be trying to tell us that to use downloaded routes from ridewithgps, strava, etc is a breach of copyright.....

Nice try


Silencing his legs regularly
Same principle.

And why on earth would you pay to enter a sportive and then not avail yourself of all the included benefits? If you're going to bring your own food, don't care about timing...why not do an audax instead? Beards and Carradices not mandatory these days.....


Senior Member
Weymouth, Dorset
2894453 said:
You do not insult me like that. Learn some manners,

Don't get me started again.

Apart from Jay who started this all off I don't genuinely believe a single one of you would join in like he did. Maybe I am wrong and my faith in human nature is misplaced though, who knows. Like I said, just trolling.


Senior Member
Weymouth, Dorset
Same principle.

And why on earth would you pay to enter a sportive and then not avail yourself of all the included benefits? If you're going to bring your own food, don't care about timing...why not do an audax instead? Beards and Carradices not mandatory these days.....

I will take some of the stuff I am sure but only at the end as don't want to be using gels or foodstuff on the ride that I haven't used before. Yes an audax would have been fine, new to this so did a full on sportive instead.


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The way I see it is your paying for the time chip, gels and food and not to cycle on the roads as that's free. I don't have a chip, gels or food so I haven't taken anything from the company putting on the event.
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