Are we being forced to go electric?

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South Wales
Do you not think accusing people of not caring about the environment because they drive an ICE car rather than an EV because they can’t /won’t spend say £25k+ or £400 a month on a lease (or aren’t in a position to have an EV car) is belittling?

I must have missed that post (and I'm not going to go back thriugh 1800+ posts to look for it now).
Do you not think accusing people of not caring about the environment because they drive an ICE car rather than an EV because they can’t /won’t spend say £25k+ or £400 a month on a lease (or aren’t in a position to have an EV car) is belittling?

I think the Uyghurs in Xinjiang may have a slightly interesting view of the impact of EV's. :okay:
I think there are huge problems with EVs, particularly in enabling a motor vehicle dependent society with all the problems that entails.

But the thread comes across to me as anti-EV posters making arguments not based on facts.

Just because EVs are better from a resource perspective that ICE cars - and all the evidence shows that they are - doesn't mean they're actually a good thing. At least not to prioritise over more important modes of transport. Like cycling.

Quite. I walk or cycle most places and I'd love to live in Denmark or the Netherlands where cycling is more widespread. There's some roads round here I won't ride and I've been riding for decades. No wonder people are put off.


West Yorks
I make no bones about my reservations re EVs for the masses (based on my personal location, access to electric etc) but i was prompted to look at second hand EV prices.
TBF, you can buy a 2012/2013 Leaf for instance with say 40k miles on it, for around £6 or £7k Thats actually not bad and affordable for many....but, i still am nowhere near being able to charge one from my house...or even anywhere to leave it overnight charging locally (tell a lie, there's a Costa nearby with chargepoints, just one or two though)
It states 30 amp DC charging, i assume it can still use 240v 13 amp power if people wanted to just charge it slow overnight. Were i to buy one, i'd want to make the most of cheap overnight charging.
Some are contract batteries, £48 per month but replaced once the capacity drops below 70% iirc. Or you take your chance and accept lower achievable mileage with whatever battery condition happens to be on the particular one you buy secondhand.

I'd almost certainly buy one for commuting, what could be better but then i'd almost certainly have to compromise when carrying three kids and two adults, which i often do. No easy answers for many many people

The 30 Amp DC bit of the charger refers to the output, the input will still be 230v AC, with a stated current draw in the spec for the power supply into the charger, for a car it’s going to be a step up charger, ie 240v AC input with 400 to 600 volt DC out put depending what voltage the battery in the car is, different cars have different size batteries in them, the ones I deal with at work at 240v AC input, with either 24, 48, 72 or 80 Volt DC output, so they are a step down charger
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More wheels than sense
It's a bit like Microwaves or any other new technology from yesteryear; people rave about them becasue it saves time/money/effort but us average earners have to wait years until the price comes down. But to those who can afford them, I'm happy for them and wish them all the best

One of the downsides of this place is the amount of ire pilled on to anyone who spends "too much money" . Look at every thread about DI2 if you want example outside of this one.


Über Member

Just for you, how many Teslas can you spot :smile:


For balance here is another EV brands...


....finally we should meet up at this place, I'll be in my EV ;).



TBF, you can buy a 2012/2013 Leaf for instance with say 40k miles on it, for around £6 or £7k

Only a couple of years ago, you could pick up an early Leaf for literally peanuts. People shunned them, but as a local commuter they're perfect.
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