Assaulted by a burglar at work.

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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Cripes TVC. That would have really shaken me never mind the physical. I do hope all gets well soon and the perps get what they deserve.
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Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
That's what they think. They don't know, you're a member of the Tea? thread. They now have folk after them in York, Manchester, London, Somerset and other Bumpkinshires, and India.

And Wols can be very dangerous!

All the best TVC, you and Lullabelle should treat yourself to a slap up (geddit?!) dinner to help get over it.

And Hertfordshire! Surely you haven't forgotten me...:cry:

Hope the bruising heals soon, TVC, and I hope the perpetrators get Judged.

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West Somerset
I knew I'd forget several people. Consider Hertfordshire a Bumpkinshire....
:unsure: Do Daleks wear wellies?


Assuming the coppers know the scrotes and bring 'em in, from your posts I assume you got a good look, then at the very least (if they don't have enough evidence for the theft) they can do him for GBH or assault.
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