average speed = no racing

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
It's gonna take longer than two months, much longer.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
My point was that jamma recently spent over £2k on a Cervelo in response to Potsy's wheel suggestion


Surprisingly SWMBO didn't comment when the Principia arrived from Denmark this week, just looked disparagingly and left me to it.

However, given it was dark blue like the Ridgeback I'd hoped to sneak it into the shed without it being seen and hide it in there. She found the bike box in the hall before I had the chance to shift it :whistle:

@DCLane gets my post :smile: , i was referring to my situation/desire :smile: .Looking to have a clearout to kickstart the funds , im considering flogging my garmin 500 as i have a 200 and the cadence/ HR are more of a novelty factor than useful information to me .


As long as I breathe, I attack.
It aint a lot is it? I'm over 2500 miles this year and I don't plan to race, I'd expect more than 541 miles in a month not 6 months.

I've done 343 and I was off the bike for 3 months with shoulder surgery and still taking it easy, a few more today...and the weather has been mostly appalling! And a two week holiday

Jamma needs to ride a lot more :smile: I'd forget about average speed for now. Get to be able to spend a whole day in the saddle etc

Before I started racing I was going on clubruns of 80 or so miles every Sunday and riding a couple of evenings a week too, in addition to commuting. 100 miles a month is just kids round the block stuff, nowhere near enough to get fitter and faster.
+1 to all of the above, im a close to 50 year old shift worker with 2 young kids so spare cycling time is limited and so far this year im about 5 miles under 3000 miles.

Deleted member 1258

+1 to all of the above, im a close to 50 year old shift worker with 2 young kids so spare cycling time is limited and so far this year im about 5 miles under 3000 miles.

I'm in my mid sixties and not working, I'm doing two rides most weeks, I could do more but I have other things I'm doing and the cycling more would intrude on these.


Well-Known Member
If you're that far off race pace (and the OP is), phrases like:


means nothing. I've seen a few sadly deluded people turn up on a start line who are considerably slower than me (and I'm not quick enough for road racing by any stretch) and get pulled off the circuit after 1 lap because they were spat out of the back of the group after 800 metres. If you're that far behind, you're a danger to yourself and the other participants. Even then, being quick isn't enough, you have to be a competent bike handler and confident riding at close quarters in a group are essential.

I was thinking in a year or 2 which I perhaps should have said.
However I stand by that average pace is so variable every time you ride why say you need to hit a certain figure before racing?
Perhaps riding to power would be the best option.
Reading through the op's post again I think he may just be trolling anyhow.


Jamma you dont really need a coach nor do you need to do loads of miles to get faster.

You can get fit enough to race cat 3/4 on 6-10 hours a week.

Of course if you can get a winter of base miles in before adding HIT work it will be a better foundation for you but i digress..

The variables are frequency, intensity, duration & recovery, manipulate these variables.

For someone who doesnt have shitloads of time work on 3-4 rides a week 1-2 hours per session is fine but they must be HARD sessions

I have limited time, i tend to do a long ish ride on a sunday (2-4 hours) at what i would describe as tempo but throw a few efforts in there, a few hills ridden at threshold or a couple of sprints etc.

Then usually tuesday - this could be a TT or sprint intervals, hill repeats or threshold work, usually 1hr or 90 mins max

Then thursday would be same as above doing something that i didnt do on tuesday

If i go hard enough on the midweek rides my legs shou;ld be sore the following day and not capable of being ridden on

I sometimes throw in an extra ride IF IM NOT SORE, i dont do recovery rides, i think there a load of crap, if my legs are sore i dont ride.

If you go hard enough AND have enough recovery you will get very fast very quickly.

Read Time crunched cyclist and try an 8 week block


also available in orange
I was thinking in a year or 2 which I perhaps should have said.
However I stand by that average pace is so variable every time you ride why say you need to hit a certain figure before racing?
Perhaps riding to power would be the best option.
Reading through the op's post again I think he may just be trolling anyhow.

Well, every road racer I know rides at well over a 20mph average, most local races I've been to are around the 24-26 mark depending on what cat is racing. Racing at cat 2-4 tends to be short races, why would you ride to power in those? It's a rarified few who race in events where that would make sense.


Well-Known Member
Well, every road racer I know rides at well over a 20mph average, most local races I've been to are around the 24-26 mark depending on what cat is racing. Racing at cat 2-4 tends to be short races, why would you ride to power in those? It's a rarified few who race in events where that would make sense.

Yet I don't know anyone racing local to me who averages 20 mph.
Using your standards non of the racers I know would indeed race.
That's why my point on average speed is valid.


Got to ask, what skill is needed for a 10?
The main skill is to learn how to pace yourself. Not to fast that you blow and not too slow that you feel too fresh at the finish. There are others
- getting the warm up right
- starting in the right gear
- taking the turn fast and safely
- knowing when to start the final burst
- adapting from a road position to a tt position
- using tri bars
- knowing the course

All something which experienced tt'ers do without thinking, but for a newbie, can take sometime, but will give a significant improvement in times when achieved. Probably accounts for a couple of minutes, especially if your starting point is outside evens.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Well i have started riding every day as from today which i did 30.2 miles at a avg speed of 16 or 16.3 from garmin or strava but back at it again tomorrow
Over what profile.........30miles on the flat at 16mph is pitta. But if its 30miles and 2000+ft of climbing at 16mph then thats going some


If 6 Was 9
Over what profile.........30miles on the flat at 16mph is pitta. But if its 30miles and 2000+ft of climbing at 16mph then thats going some
I must 'go some' then! LOL

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