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Norven Mankey
HK Yao IPA whilst watching Stoke currently beating Palace (sorry @User ). In a frighteningly authentic basement pub. I could easily be in a slightly seedy Mancunian boozer


Beer is ok 'suppose
That looks like a proper night out. And I like the look of the prices (but not so much the pint of Tropicana top right..
what is it?)
I don't know what it is

Daddy Pig

BBQ season has finally hit...

A rather unassuming start to BBQ beer season but a thirst quencher none the less...


Then I got thinking about my diet...
When else but a BBQ do you eat a whole weeks worth of meat in one sitting...

... Better pour another beer as I finish off the sausages....
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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
My mother has guests and suggested going out to a local pub tomorrow. So I went and reconnoitred. Food, tick.

First tried a Whitstable Brewery Winkle Picker. Too close to the intense bitter hop fetish of nearby Faversham's Shepherd Neame for my taste. Couldn't possibly recommend that one to them.

Noticed that they had Villages' Rodeo on a tap, asked the landlord whether it would still be on tomorrow. No, he said, there was only about 3 pints of it left in the barrel. ''Shame'' I thought, Deptford's first brewery since 1905, etc, etc. ''I'll help finish it, then'' I said. Keg duly delivered a very bubbly fart into the bottom of the glass and died. Hmm. Not feasibly recommendabubble.

In the spirit of endeavour, I risked a 3 Sods Mudpuddler black IPA. This immediately fell foul of the Tirades Description Act because there was no way it was an IPA. More an intensely dry caramel and barley stout.

Defeated, I had a Gypsy Hill Hepcat, listed as a session IPA. First impression was that the beer was off. second impression was that the beer was definitely on. A hop tablecloth, on which had been laid, first elderflowers, then apples, and finally a whole load of remarkably-unbitter grapefruit. Well, at least I know what I'm having tomorrow.....

I claim another 3 for the accumulator. (Which takes me beyond 147, or the equivalent of a third of the way into June. Like the weather....)
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It's a bit more complicated than that...
When in Brittany...


It's supposed to remind me of gambolling through the fields of buckwheat which enliven the place in July and August. Since I don't know what a buckwheat field looks like and I don't think I could have spotted the buckwheat it was brewed with I'm not sure it was particularly effective. Still, as a cold French brune a couple went down well with a lunchtime galette sarrasin.
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