Belly fat - how do I lose it quicker

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Owen Burgess

Active Member
The belly is where gentlemen tend to store their fat. Its just our physiology. Also it is not possible to burn fat from a particular area of the body only. You will lose stomach fat as you reduce your body fat in general. As for the stomach quivering after the sit ups, it could be that your core muscles are weakened. If you sit in a chair a lot at work this is quite a common issue. Try a class such a circuit training for general conditioning, should help you improve core strength as well as cardio fitness


Just to add to this, rather than start a new thread.....

Would an hour or so before breakfast in zone 1 or 2 hasten fat loss, cos there's no other fuel than fat to burn after you've had a good kip???

ps. Tis a great forum this, and I really appreciate all the input people give.

The rate at which you burn fat doesn't really increase beyond a certain (quite low) point. However, training underfueled is a strategy used by advanced cyslists, though the purpose is not to increase weight loss, but rather to improve ability to function while underfueled (resistance to bonks).

Once in a while rather than on a daily basis.

However, you shouldn't assume that you are underfueled just because there's no food in your tummy. Your muscles will be fully glycogened up (so plenty of fuel for two hours at whatever rate you go at) before breakfast, from your dinner the night before.

I always have my breakfast at work, after my (1 or 2 hour) cycle in, and have never felt remotely underfueled.
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