BentMikey and a Subaru Driver

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ScottSub 10

New Member
I think that, on a practical level, you are challenging stuff that may not be in your best interests or longevity guys.

Having said that I take your point and was surprised to learn here that cycle lanes may not be a good idea. Hmmm!

Scott D

just jim

ScottSub 10 said:
I think that, on a practical level, you are challenging stuff that may not be in your best interests or longevity guys.

Scott D

Don't patronise me, mate.


Legendary Member
The Cronk
OK, I see we have members from another forum on this thread discussing the incident.

Can we please try and keep the heat out of any discussion and refrain from baiting people. It does neither side any good to inflame the other, seeing as we all have to share the roads.

Keep it civilised please, otherwise the thread will be closed.


New Member
Oops, probably my fault, I thought in the interests of common understanding this might help, but like different groups of mates meeting each other it can go badly wrong.

ScottSub 10

New Member
just jim said:
Don't patronise me, mate.

A better answer might be to explain why my thoughts ( I used the term 'think') are taken as patronising. I never mean to patronise as it rarely achieves anything.

Scott D
ScottSub 10 said:
Ohh dear. I think this what happens when two pricks cross paths.

I say all this as a chap who cycled London streets for eight years. I would also suggest I rode a bike better suited for the purpose and rode more defensively than this chap. He seems to ride quite quickly (think 25mph rather than 15mph)and only partially using cycle lanes ( I find it a bit scary, especially when he's overtaking in the right hand lane withcarsthat may turn right at any time). Having captured your accident on film is far less clever than being more realistic about the real road-world and avoiding one in the first place.

Again I say this as a chap who had his shoulder dislodged by a Citroen in Holborn (driver turned acros me in a bus lane) and as one who beat up a weaving Royal Mail driver after he knocked me off in a bus lane and then called me a c**t when I caught up with him. Something really snapped in me... A simple "sorry" would have avoided bruises...

I would also say that I had only about 4 serious incidents in 8 years (inc a BMW jumping a red). So castigate the twit Dan but also look home as well - something just aint right here...

Scott D

had you been with traffic you'd not have got hit by the citroen.

had you been cycling at a pace you were happy cycling at you'd have not been in as much danger, I cycle to work every day and get muppets attempting to overtake me while there is a traffic island, cycling at 25 - 30 mph stops most of these idiots attempting to overtake.

part of my route takes me along a road with a few truck depots on, sometimes there is a truck parked on the road. attempting to pass this while going 15mph is nearly impossible, take it at 25mph and i can flow with traffic

have a read of cycle craft and you'll soon find why cycle lanes are often not very safe.


New Member
Moderators said:
Can we please try and keep the heat out of any discussion and refrain from baiting people. It does neither side any good to inflame the other, seeing as we all have to share the roads.

Might help if Mikey Boy didn't cycle around baiting motorists then!

Some of that tosh of his on You Tube beggars belief!

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.

I don't think that any cyclist in their right minds goes out to anger/irritate/annoy/provoke people rolling around in 2 tonne metal boxes. However I admit that drivers often get enranged by being delayed by a cyclist on their journey if only by just a few seconds, the fact that this occurs says a lot about the mental state of many drivers. It is necessary to deliberately hold-up cars if only for a few seconds for improved road safety at some lights, roundabouts, width restriction/bollards where there is insufficient space for a car and bike to pass side by side. The Highway code states that you should allow as much space to overtake a cycle as you would a car. Most motorists do not come anywhere close to this requirement.

It's funny that motorists always give a wide berth to horses but rarely cyclist. The only conclusion I can draw from this is either that motorists care more about horses than cyclists, or, that motorists realise that passing close to a horse might damage their cars... go figure?
Differentpov said:
I come from scoobynet, and have a different point of view! Why is some guy riding around on a recumbent, with a camera, filming so called bad drivers? He has an airhorn fitted, these are illegal, and the use of one is likely to provoke a reaction form anyone! The subaru driver clearly said the recumbent rider pulled out on him (which i believe he did to provoke a reaction). Why does this guy think its up to him to police the local roads?, hasnt he got anything better to do? Whilst most on scoobynet have decided the driver in question was acting like a tool, i think the eccentric clown on the recumbent provoked the reaction, and has done 23 other seperate times according to youtube, this guy obvioulsly has no life at all and lives to annoy paying road users then go running to police with requests for action! and as for all the other members requesting police action, from my point of view thw scooby driver did nothing wrong. He wasnt going 100mph as the video said (no where near, more like 40), and the driver reversed to avoid hitting an obstacle in front, not to try to run the cyclist over, its all a big over reaction from another eccentric cyclist who thinks the road is exclusively for him! Basically stop filming other road users, get rid of the air horn and stop trying to provoke others who PAY for the privilidge of using our roads, GET A LIFE MATE ( i bet your wife has left you and your trying to fill the void, either that or she is the same as you and a total fruit loop) no offence meant but your making a load of noise about sweet fcuk all!

ok, point 1 - I have just payed money to my local council in the form of council tax, this gets spent on the roads.
I have also just payed VED to be allowed to use my car on a public highway, this money goes straight into the governments coffers and is most likely on its way to a fat cat banker's pocket.

air horns are perfectly legal and much better than a bell for alerting vehicles to a cyclists presence - it came in very handy to stop the prick in a car coming out the wrong end of a one way street from knocking me off.

the claimed 100mph was the witness who said "about 100mph" a statement intended to express the innapropriate speed.

with regards to the cyclist pulling out - spotted the roadworks? or you want him to cycle into them?


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Fab Foodie said:

I don't think that any cyclist in their right minds goes out to anger/irritate/annoy/provoke people rolling around in 2 tonne metal boxes. However I admit that drivers often get enranged by being delayed by a cyclist on their journey if only by just a few seconds, the fact that this occurs says a lot about the mental state of many drivers. It is necessary to deliberately hold-up cars if only for a few seconds for improved road safety at some lights, roundabouts, width restriction/bollards where there is insufficient space for a car and bike to pass side by side. The Highway code states that you should allow as much space to overtake a cycle as you would a car. Most motorists do not come anywhere close to this requirement.

It's funny that motorists always give a wide berth to horses but rarely cyclist. The only conclusion I can draw from this is either that motorists care more about horses than cyclists, or, that motorists realise that passing close to a horse might damage their cars... go figure?

Oh yeah, what about critical masses? Is that not what critical masses do?:sad:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
ScottSub 10 said:
I think that, on a practical level, you are challenging stuff that may not be in your best interests or longevity guys.

Having said that I take your point and was surprised to learn here that cycle lanes may not be a good idea. Hmmm!

Scott D

I dunno, there's a lot of years of experienece and miles cycled here who would challenge your first point above.
With respect to cycle-lanes, they're a mixed blessing, a few are good where segregation is total, most that are painted onto roads are hopeless. Frankly we shouldn't need segregation, especially in cities. If you've not seen this I think you'll enjoy it... Crap cycle lanes

The roads should be available for all to use in safety and with respect.
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