Best wind up when someone tries to be a hero whilst you’re riding.

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Legendary Member
Which is fine, until the person being passed hands their backside to them, and leaves them huffing and puffing and disappearing into the background, then they just look like total muppets.

I can see how that could happen, never seen it happen though.


Legendary Member
You can pass me any time you want. But 200km down the road I will pass you back.

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Taking the P out of complete strangers is an unwise thing to do. Some will feel belittled, some will ignore it or give you the finger, but there are a number out there who will think your teeth would look better with an elbow buried in them. I have had a number of clubmates over the years who would fall into the latter category, nice guys otherwise but they wouldn't let you take liberties.


Legendary Member
Theres fun to be had with heroes, but it takes a good awareness and fine judgement.

Keep an eye out all round - as you should anyway, although ok many riders have their heads rigidly facing forward- in order to spot them early coming in from behind. Let them make some initial ground, but as they get close gently, and I mean gently, start to accelerate your own pace. By the time they're with you youfe almost travelling at the same speed as them but they've been working a lot harder. You now have the choice to open up the taps and leave them dispirited and behind you, or let them get by and then take them straight back - my favourite option is the former. They've been working harder and longer and will struggle to do anything about it, and thus a heavy, middle aged rider like me can have their day against a racing snake half their age. With great age comes great capacity for treachery ;)
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