Best wind up when someone tries to be a hero whilst you’re riding.

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Legendary Member
I often think these things only exist for others, I am never overtaken.

I can't think why that should be.

It might be because my fitness is gone and I'm so far down on pace and power compared to even a couple of years ago, but nowadays if I get overtaken I'll let them go, even if I'm dawdling and they're only going slightly faster than I am, I will slow down further and allow a gap to open rather than tucking in or accelerating to get past them again.

I used to love spying a target some distance out and reeling them in (measuring the gap in seconds using road-side landmarks as I did so) and once had an epic 10 mile long not-race with a fellow CC Ecosse member on Islay, but nowadays I just don't feel it :sad:


Deplorable Brexiteer
Sorry, can't agree with that. So what if someone passes you and then can't maintain the speed? Cyclists get enough aggro from motorists without sneering at each other.

A knob is a knob in my book, irrespective of whether they are driving a vehicle or riding a bike. That makes them all fair game, especially the idiots who try to show off.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey

Heart in mouth stuff, those crash barriers are NOT high enough! Don't like to think about the stability of the bike under braking...

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
Hardly any cyclists out yesterday (Boxing Day) so I couldn’t put this extraordinary technique into action. Must be reserved for the truly exceptional riders amongst us. I am not fast at all so I get passed all the time. What’s the big deal? But then again I’m not insecure in my masculinity.

I’ll tell you what happens on the Audax rides I do: When a stronger cyclist comes to pass me, they tend to pause alongside and introduce themselves and have a quick chat; or if we know each other, catch up on our meagre lives. It’s all very friendly. I don’t get all this chest puffing dandiness.
Like a lot on here, I used to insist that I don't mind being overtaken, that I'm not insecure in my masculinity, yada... yada... yada...

But I was lying. To be honest I really, really hate to be overtaken by another cyclist. :crazy:


I'm with the ambivalence brigade. Often I'll overtake someone because I've had some benefit of a hill, or my cadence might be slightly quicker. They will often then overtake me. I just try to make sure I'm not in the way.

The awkward one is when you are on the flat but only cycling very slightly faster than the person in front of you. Do you risk upping your speed to overtake and then risk looking like a twit when your now tired legs cause you to lose speed slightly further on, or do you drop your speed to match the person in front?


Deplorable Brexiteer
I'm with the ambivalence brigade. Often I'll overtake someone because I've had some benefit of a hill, or my cadence might be slightly quicker. They will often then overtake me. I just try to make sure I'm not in the way.

I think, if we're honest, we all know the difference between someone who overtakes you because they are just simply faster, and some p*** taker who gives it everything they've got for 100 yards just to "prove" they can beat you, before running out of steam. You see exactly the same behaviour amongst drivers. None of the vehicles I drive are exactly "fast", although I'm not one of those clowns who dawdles along everywhere at a pious, goody goody 28 mph staring straight ahead, oblivious to everything around them. If I've got a clear road I aim to make decent progress, but I still fully expect to be overtaken by other drivers with a good bit more power under the bonnet, and it doesn't bother me when they do. What I can't abide, is the kind of erratic idiot who will perform a dangerous overtake, only to then hold me up once they've got in front. Their IQ is on a par with the show-off cycling equivalent.

Alan O

Über Member
Hardly any cyclists out yesterday (Boxing Day)
I went out for a 20-mile ride with a couple of family members on Boxing Day morning - it was a lovely crisp day here. We actually met more other cyclists than I expected, around a dozen, and exchanged friendly greetings on every occasion (regardless of who was passing whom), with one exception - a serious-looking roadie going in the opposite direction who didn't acknowledge a friendly wave.

And while we're gathered round the fire singing overtaking shanties, I'll recount one that impressed me last year...

I was on my touring bike on a local cycle path and going at what I thought was a reasonable pace, when a chap of impressively rotund corporeal dimensions (he says, trying not to call him fat) went belting past me on a mountain bike. I wondered if maybe he was on an ebike, or was just putting on a short burst of speed, so I pushed harder to try to keep up with him. And I couldn't. A couple of miles further on I reached him where he'd stopped. And no, no ebike, he was just fitter and faster than me despite his bodily proportions. I felt respect.
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