Bl**dy pavement riding RLJ's...

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New Member
Trevrev said:
This was yesterdays fun !!!

it's taken me 24 hours to wade through the mountains of, mainly dull, posts. I'm now unfulfilled. A bit like how you feel at the end of 'The Cube'


skwerl said:
it's taken me 24 hours to wade through the mountains of, mainly dull, posts. I'm now unfulfilled. A bit like how you feel at the end of 'The Cube'

Start another topic, and we can have some more fun......Can you guess i don't take things too seriously !!!! ;)
Well summer it seems as usual there is conflicting information out there. As you can see mine is from the Home Office Site ( which doesnt make it accurate of course).

Maybe its one of grey areas that some people dont seem to think exist or maybe its a X-File.

Either way if its confusing to the law how are us mortals meant to understand it.
I have to add that I dont condone the issuing of FPN to youngsters, I always think education first is the best policy.


Cycling in the sun
addictfreak said:
Well summer it seems as usual there is conflicting information out there. As you can see mine is from the Home Office Site ( which doesnt make it accurate of course).

Maybe its one of grey areas that some people dont seem to think exist or maybe its a X-File.

Either way if its confusing to the law how are us mortals meant to understand it.
I have to add that I dont condone the issuing of FPN to youngsters, I always think education first is the best policy.

I will seek clarification the next time I'm chatting to a policeman (not to say he wouldn't be confused too) and that I remember. Last time I chatted to a teenager about cycling on the pavement he told me he would just cycle off and that the policeman wouldn't follow him if he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Dan B

Disengaged member
"The Law" and "what the nearest police officer believes the Law is" are two different things. Although anyone talking to a policeman would be advised, in the pursuit of a quiet life, to treat them as the same.
summerdays said:
I will seek clarification the next time I'm chatting to a policeman (not to say he wouldn't be confused too) and that I remember. Last time I chatted to a teenager about cycling on the pavement he told me he would just cycle off and that the policeman wouldn't follow him if he wasn't wearing a helmet.

The case in discussion is clearly a tragic one, for both parties. Since it was first reported I have read a letter from the young mans father, which seems to indicate a total different sent of events to those actually reported in the press. And I have to say that I deal with the press (local) on a regular basis and some of there reporting leaves a lot to be desired. I suppose we will never know exactly what happened that day.

Anyway on the police note, I suspect that people riding on pavements is at the bottom of a long list of priorities. I know when I have been in my local town centre, (which is a pedestrian area) I have witnessed people of all ages riding cycles in clear view of police officers and nothing is done or said.


Squat Member
addictfreak said:
Anyway on the police note, I suspect that people riding on pavements is at the bottom of a long list of priorities. I know when I have been in my local town centre, (which is a pedestrian area) I have witnessed people of all ages riding cycles in clear view of police officers and nothing is done or said.

shhhhhhhhhhhh or Lee-man will go off his rocker and may explode on those around him! :biggrin:
Dare I say it, but I also see Police officers riding on the pavement too!


the tank engine
addictfreak said:
Dare I say it, but I also see Police officers riding on the pavement too!

There was a thread on here ages ago about that. I got criticised for being critical of the police using the pavement.

On the way home tonight I saw a few pavement cyclists (POBs). Was going to upload a video of how "badly" they were inconveniencing people, but I forgot spare batteries for my camera so only got a minutes worth of footage at the start.


Squat Member
Very true actually, this whole thread has got me thinking of the cycle policemen I regularly see riding on pavements the recent being on tuesday in wigston (near leicester). Who's watching the watchers?


the tank engine
Actually, talking about illegitimate pavement users, I saw a horse & horse rider walking along the pavement on Wednesday - is that legal?


Squat Member
User3143 said:
I won't go off my rocker and have never gone off my rocker, if you are to shoot scared to ride on the road then so be it.

Just going back a few pages here for poor old lee who might just have a goldfish style memory: post no #99

Garz said:
Im not going to waste any more effort on this thread as it has gone adrift. I would just like to add that whilst I do not cycle on the pavement, or encourage it...

As I said, I don't ride on the pavement, I use the road. shoot scared or not the word 'too' is correct not 'to' , lets move on then. :smile:
Lat night at Aldgate was the nearest I have come to seeing a RLJer get run over.Horrendous ride back and an interesting one with a ped at Thatched House Leytonstone.I didn't realise he was pissed but with hhis phone also clasped to his ear and within two drunken steps his was off of the pavement into the road.Amazing footwork there which I don't even think Ronaldo could copy.I still don't know how he came so close to me in the blink of an eye.

Also at Aldgate a few seconds earlier a ped had a close escape with a car.Crossing in traffic like that while he was on crutches,total madness.I don't think the moton saw him till late.


Über Member
addictfreak said:
Well I have to concede that the not cycling on paths is law. Its just that so many people think the HC is law when it is actually a mixture of law and good practice.

Some of the advice for cyclists is not good.

addictfreak said:
However it is accepted that the police will use commonsense in applying the law depending on who (usually children) is riding on the path.
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