Blue Mini HS03 FXF

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Über Member
Worst part of that video is you riding in the middle of the carriageway primary lack of consideration for other road users IMO.


I'm stunned if you truely believe that.

Was the OP not fully entitled to be in a strong primary going through the central refuge?

I quite often get gestured at or get shouted at in similar situations, which i just shrug off, but if we have cyclists critising other cyclists for assertive positioning then that is really quite worrying.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Worst part of that video is you riding in the middle of the carriageway primary lack of consideration for other road users IMO.

I imagine you're joking/sarcastic here? On the approach to a pinch point and then a junction, taking the lane makes for good cycling practice. The riding in this video is as taught in the National Standards cycling curriculum.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Wow, I'm a little stunned!! Even if you don't agree with the methodology, do you acknowledge that the cyclist's riding here is as taught in Bikeability/National Standards?


Lets have a look at the course of events again shall we ? And the OP s action.

Nice wide carriageway, good road surface, light traffic in fact only 2 other road users in view. Assuming the OP is aware of the Mini behind (and not totally oblivious) what harm would moving over have done ? A considerate rider may have moved over, sorry I forgot you dont do considerate do you ?

How could this of affected the course of events ? Well for starters, the mini wouldnt have had to slow down and move out across the hatchings the alleged incident wouldn t have even occured. Secondly the driver may have thought what a considerate rider and then shown the same sort of consideation to the lady ahead. Maybe not ? but we dont know that do we ? She gave the OP plenty of room on the pass,so she wasnt a total loon.

Now the incident itself, or so called incident! The lady in question showed no sign of one happening didnt even look at the mini, The OP cycled straight on past her with no sign of concern at the time,or so it seems to me. Its only when he gets home looks at the footage and sees some mileage on here to my mind, that his blood starts to curdle.


Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
Worst part of that video is you riding in the middle of the carriageway primary lack of consideration for other road users IMO.

Going through a pinch point at a pedestrian refuge, with a side road on the left and a bloody great hole across the left-most 4 feet of the carriageway, and you say they shouldn't have been in primary position? Come on now, his positioning was perfect.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Yes, my first thoughts was that lukesdad missed both the pinch point and the pothole. Lukesdad, you do realise that National Standards cycling like this is promoted as best practice by the government, RoSPA, Cyclecraft (the equivalent to the police roadcraft manual), and quite a number of other experts? I find it unusual that anyone could seriously dismiss such a well-thought out and good curriculum that has such wide acceptance. Even more is the dismissing an important tenet of Cyclecraft, which is shared, I believe by the roadcraft manual. I can't imagine any police officer being taken seriously over a suggestion that BRSU did anything less than best practice there.


Going through a pinch point at a pedestrian refuge, with a side road on the left and a bloody great hole across the left-most 4 feet of the carriageway, and you say they shouldn't have been in primary position? Come on now, his positioning was perfect.

Thats a bloody great hole is it ? We must have canyons round here then !


Yes, my first thoughts was that lukesdad missed both the pinch point and the pothole. Lukesdad, you do realise that National Standards cycling like this is promoted as best practice by the government, RoSPA, Cyclecraft (the equivalent to the police roadcraft manual), and quite a number of other experts? I find it unusual that anyone could seriously dismiss such a well-thought out and good curriculum that has such wide acceptance. Even more is the dismissing an important tenet of Cyclecraft, which is shared, I believe by the roadcraft manual. I can't imagine any police officer being taken seriously over a suggestion that BRSU did anything less than best practice there.

Im not a police officer.


Funny you follow this best practice, and come across all these incidents, and I follow common sense and experience and don t, isn t it ?


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Perhaps we should have a little comparison of mileage, the difference between the general attitude of London drivers and those in Wales, and the sheer density (or not) of traffic? ;)

Furthermore, I expect that the definition of "incident" might be rather different between yourself, and something I consider worth youtubing. It's fairly evident that many London and other city cyclist youtubers have a much higher rate of uploading videos than I do, perhaps partly because they commute at busier times than I do. I think I have around 150 examples of bad driving in several years, almost all of these are minor and posted as nothing more than a consequence to the driver, and quite a few videos are not even of any kind of "incident" at all. Around 1 in 5000 drivers that I encounter, I think, which is very uplifting about the general goodness of most drivers.


As usual the debate here is focussed on the wrong issues.

The issue is not only about how close the left hook was but whether the driver had control over his car, such that they could make an avoiding manouvre if circumstances presented themselves.

In this case it is clear from the cars road position and speed the driver was committed to the overtake.

I see this a lot when cars overtake other cars. Pull out and floor it and therefore leave no margin for error.

Does anyone really believe the mini driver managed to compute, in the time available, that bike had a child on back therefore will be going slower.

Apologies for any bad grammar. Posted on my phone.


Really! How about 6 weeks in London at the start of the year 1500 miles covered and not one moment to mention. I rode to work for 11 years from Wimbledon to Park Lane and have covered 3100 miles this year so far. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
I am surprised that there are cyclists who think this kind of appalling driving is acceptable. The driver should have waited for the vehicle in front, the cyclist (whether you apologists for Clarksonite driving like it or not, bicycles ARE vehicles), to clear the junction before turning in.
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