Brooks Saddles - an observation

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Aggravating bore magnet
Occasionally surf the net looking at all sorts of high end European designer/retro/Brompton/Cannondale/$100k gold plated/German Rohloff touring bikes, and one thing stands out: Brooks own the market - everybody uses Brooks!

Bravo Brooks!


I have just put my 20+ years Brooks on my Spesh Secteur Elite .What a difference .

Now i need a saddle for my Dawes Galaxy,but can't wait 20 years to mould a new Brooks in xx(


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
postman said:
I have just put my 20+ years Brooks on my Spesh Secteur Elite .What a difference .

Now i need a saddle for my Dawes Galaxy,but can't wait 20 years to mould a new Brooks in :sad:

You're a princess and I claim my five pounds. xx(

My four B17 saddles have been comfortable from day one. I set off on a LEJOG using a brand new B17.

You can accelerate the breaking in process by getting more miles in :blush:


New Member

No, everyone does not use Brooks!

Terry's Liberators are what cradle my nether regions on a cloud of supportive delight when cycling. None of this 'breaking in' the saddle nonsense: I've never had to 'break in' a Terry saddle as it's been comfortable from the very first cycle ride.

So there! :blush:


Legendary Member
Brooks saddles are beaten together in the West Midlands using wrought iron by the same firm who used to make chastity belts in medieval times.


Legendary Member
At the chippy last week an old gent said my bike looked like an antique for having one on.
He was surprised they're still going strong, I guessed that stationary bikes are the only ones he can notice in much detail nowadays. He said he used to have one in the thirties.


Aggravating bore magnet
I noticed one on a bike outside Tesco's and spoke to the owner who told me that people coming up to him to talk about it was quite a regular occurrance.

just jim

Nobody ever comes up to me to talk about mine. it's not fair.


New Member
got laughed at at a time trial once for having a brooks b17 on my planet X stealth TT - "thats not a very aerodynamic saddle you have " said he .... "i dont have a very aerodynamic arse either" said i !
wafflycat said:
Terry's Liberators are what cradle my nether regions on a cloud of supportive delight when cycling.

Is that the same Terry who do the ladies' clothing that Minx sells? Their shorts are really comfy; so I imagine the saddle would be as well? (if it is them...)


upsidedown said:
My B17 was comfy from day one, if somebody could reassure me that my new Swift will be comfy one day i would be very grateful.

And while that someone is doing that, can I have the same reassurance for my new team pro? just inherited a 20yr old B17, and the difference is striking!
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