BS claims from major makes and suppliers.

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
Over the years I have found my knobbly MTB type tyres to be fairly resistant to punctures from riding over the typical Manchester urban broken glass.

Remind me, who punctured twice last weekend :whistle: (Not glass I know) ! Although your tubes were more patches than tube :tongue: !


Legendary Member
Don't forget Decathlon sell tyres and stuff to ordinary Joes, not just nerds, so the claims are reasonable.
Which makes it all the worse. Because they're not cycling 'nerds' they think they can BS them.


Kilometre nibbler
Buy cheap buy twice I've found to be true with their stuff. So I steer well clear anyway.

I have bought a fair bit of cheap stuff from Decathlon (mainly clothing - shorts, gloves and the like) and it lasts and lasts.

I have some shorts that I use on the turbo that are over 10 years old. OK, the elastic round the thighs has gone a bit so they are a bit "flared" :laugh: , but they are good for a few more years yet.

Also my favourite little handlebar bag is a cheapie Decathlon one.
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Legendary Member
its not BS, they genuinely believe they have a innovative tread pattern (see #11, #16 above)

You haven't used they tyre so why are you banging on about it?

I have some of their non puncture proof MTB and have been happy with them. Decathlon stuff is generally good quality, I don't have a problem with it. My beef is the way they are trying to sell this tyre as it's disingenuous. If you don't think it's BS and believe their claim then good for you.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
I have some of their non puncture proof MTB and have been happy with them. Decathlon stuff is generally good quality, I don't have a problem with it. My beef is the way they are trying to sell this tyre as it's disingenuous. If you don't think it's BS and believe their claim then good for you.

Take a chill pill ! Is the weather a bit hot ?


Copied from a Giant web page

"When it comes to aero gains, the frame itself is part of the story, but not the whole story. The new proprietary Contact SLR Aero handlebar and stem also reduce drag, as do the new CADEX 50 wheels and CADEX Aero tires. When comparing the complete new Propel Advanced SL bike to the previous generation, the new model improves aerodynamic drag by 6.21 watts. This equates to a savings of 27 seconds over 40km at 40kph."

Don't think the author of this article understands physics. Regardless of the bike, if you ride 40km at 40kph, it will take one hour on any bike.

Think he means you can ride at 40mph whilst your mate can do 39.9mph so you beat him to the cafe and have to buy the round!🤣


Legendary Member
Always try to see things from the other side...
It might be...might, the direction of the tread can direct debris...and that could mean anything...outwards, away from the tyre. Not guaranteed of course but increasing the chance. Even a percentage point is an improvement. That may be industry standard, long since known.
We're that the case, it's a legitimate claim almost anyone can use.

Why do bike tries have tread and the varieties of it all accidental or is there some logic in it that we don't know about.
I might be talking gonads but I always say...just because you don't know the answer or reason....doesn't mean it doesn't exist, you just don't know it.

Ajax Bay

Why do bike tries have tread and the varieties of it all accidental or is there some logic in it that we don't know about.
Tread on road tyres is designed to avoid them aquaplaning when the road conditions and vigorous braking might risk that ;)
;) :popcorn::laugh:;);)
Also, with wheels with aero rims, tread can provide an aero benefit as the tread on the shoulders (as opposed to 'slicks'/none) acts as a trip to encourage the move from boundary layer to turbulence.


Legendary Member
It's called Marketing. Everything is 'BS'.

Tread on road tyres is designed to avoid them aquaplaning when the road conditions and vig:laugh:orous braking might risk that ;)
;) :popcorn::laugh:;);)

Also, with wheels with aero rims, tread can provide an aero benefit as the tread on the shoulders (as opposed to 'slicks'/none) acts as a trip to encourage the move from boundary layer to turbulence.

Yes, that's the obvious function but (and I'm just hypothesising of course) we don't know if that tread may also deflect debris at the same time. If it does, the claim has an element of truth
I'm the world's greatest cynic tbf, the statement is exactly what it sounds like, someone trying to Bull up a description to make it sound better. Doesn't mean it hasn't a grain of truth.
And tbf, the claim 'may' be BS. We'll likely never know for sure how that claim is / was / could be substantiated...equally, we have no evidence whatsoever that the claim is true or untrue so its a bit of a mute point really.

It's a tyre, you choose to buy it on its merits, recommendations or gut instinct, price point, or maybe because you like the sidewalls :laugh::laugh:
Imagine, any tyre manufacturer could claim puncture resistance, any manufacturer at all, of the worst tyres even, simply because it places a barrier between the inner tube and road surface and that in itself offers some puncture resistance.
It's all Bull of course, all advertising is, you just need to be able to see past it .
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