Building up the miles

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Well-Known Member
Good grief. You've chosen to or wilfully ignored absolutely everything that anyone has advised over weeks and pages and pages of good advice.

This is trolling.

No, someone told me that the only way for me to be able to go back to the weight I was before is by dieting and not exercising.


Über Member
No, someone told me that the only way for me to be able to go back to the weight I was before is by dieting and not exercising.

and yet you listen to them and clearly ignore the hundreds of posts on your thread....

I'll be blunt - the person you spoke to was a moron - or at least didn't have the first idea about what they were talking about.


if you run a calorie deficit you will lose weight i.e. take in less calories than you can burn off.

So if you eat 20,000 calories a day, you'll still lose weight if you burn off 20,001....albeit slowly.

1lb of fat is equilvelent to 3500 calories therefore to lose 1lb you need to have a defecit of 3500 calories - this isn't an exact science either as you could say "well I won't eat for a day - will I lose weight?" the best way to lose weight sustainably is SLOWLY. 1-2lb a week is considered a safe long term effort.

But losing WEIGHT is daft, you want to lose FAT - in order to do this you need to ensure you take in enough protein to feed muscle and lower calories to lose the flubber. So what you eat to fulfil your calorie intake is important. You need energy to work, you need to work to lose weight and build lean muscle mass.

Cycling is FANTASTIC for burning fat as you will inevitably cycle for a decent amount of time in a good heart rate zone and burn more calories than doing 5 pressups for example. HOWEVER, you're not getting a 6 pack cycling - well not a defined one anyway. So adding strength and conditioning to your training is of course important. A simple 5x5 strongman routine would be a good it.

alot of this stuff above is VERY basic, a trained professional would be able to advice better (which I am not - I did study gym instruction which covered the basics but I did it for interest rather than a career)

to be honest, if you went to ANY gym, got them to put together a workout plan it would cover everything you need - you'd just need to stick to it.

I'd also highly recommed kettlebells, great for stamina and definition of muscles.

But largely alot of what I said above has been covered in the thread before - if you're going to ignore it and follow the advice of someone who purely wants you to diet then goodluck to you.... you'll lose weight for sure, but you'll more than likely lose muscle mass too and be as weak as anything.

Oh and additionally, ignore BMI completely. Get a cheap set of scales with Body fat on them (£30 on amazon) they will assess your body composition, this is what you should be paying attention to, make the numbers against Bodyfat go down and the muscle mass go up and you're fine
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Legendary Member
No, someone told me that the only way for me to be able to go back to the weight I was before is by dieting and not exercising.
Does this someone understand the effect of exercise. Does this someone understand the effect of a sedentary lifestyle?

Dieting alone will not help you maintain your goals.

Read what the NHS says about low calorie dieting. This link is about 800 calorie diet which I guess is less than you eat but the principle remains the same. The NHS has a lot to say about diet.

Also Google "long-term weight loss." I don't know the institutions discussing the topic or the many reports of failure so I won't quote them authorative. There is a lot out there.


Weight - scroll to the links under "If you or your child are overweight"

If you chose to ignore the NHS give up.


Senior Member
When it comes to actually losing weight, is it better to go on just a strict diet without any exercise or go on a strict diet with exercise?

I know that cycling will tone one’s leg muscles, but what about the belly and upper parts of the body?
Neither, there is no point in running a very strict diet s sure you will lose weight but you won’t be able to maintain it. Your better off making smaller changes that you can maintain long term. Else you are just setting yourself up for failure or being unhappy.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
When it comes to actually losing weight, is it better to go on just a strict diet without any exercise or go on a strict diet with exercise?

I know that cycling will tone one’s leg muscles, but what about the belly and upper parts of the body?
Yes, no, maybe....
If you are exercising to the point that your muscle mass increases to match your loss in fat then your net weight change will be minimal, but you will be a different shape and clearly fitter. In most cases only body builders do that.
'Dieting' if done properly loses weight - but is generally not sustainable.
Exercising if no increase in food intake will also lose weight and make you generally healthier - but it takes a lot of cycling to burn-off a pork-pie.

So, as others CONSTANTLY STATE, the best way is to make subtle, maintainable lifestyle changes and chuck the frickin' scales away, ditch Strava, HRMs and 'training manuals'.
The mirror, improved mental health and improved energy levels will tell you all you need.
Yoga with Adriene is also worth doing to keep you supple.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Nope, am I walking into a trap? :becool:
No. He was a troubled soul obsessed by diet, exercising, body image. Easy to dismiss as a 'troll' without considering whether people are struggling mentally to a greater or lesser extent. Many were quick to dismiss his recurring themes.
One of the nail's in the coffin of my marriage was that Mrs FF couldn't see the early signs of our daughters eating disorder when I saw it writ large.


Legendary Member
^^^ yes, I understand that is a possibility and I am sorry for what happened to your daughter @Fab Foodie. I hope i am wrong; however my patience and goodwill ran out a long time ago.
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