Can you back me up?!

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I'm taking a bit of a beating in some of the comments on my videos at the moment, especially and

Any help in countering these poorly informed comments would be appreciated, assuming you agree with what I am saying of course:ohmy::biggrin:

It would be nice to have some back up as these nasty comments have left me feeling very unloved and upset:cry:;):biggrin:


I don't understand the first one - there didn't seem to be any point at which the bus was actually ahead of you? Surely at the point where you got to the latter half of the bus stop, i.e. past the shelter, you were ahead of the bus, and could have just pulled away?


My camera is on the left of my helmet and so doesn't always give a good impression of what is on my right. Generally cars need to be a couple of metres past me before my camera will pick them up.

I can assure you the bus was trying to come across me!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It certainly looked like that to me - especially given that there was a stop ahead with people waiting.

Typical "must get ahead at all costs" behaviour - despite the fact that he knows he has to stop anyway in about 5 seconds...


Indeed Arch, and thanks for the comment ;). I think cab has commented as well.

You do open yourself up to abuse by posting these videos. So far I have been called a tube, a drama queen, an idiot, a fanny, an arse bandit, a NIMBY.

One chap malkyerf even started to insult my wife (he probably had to guess I had one!) so I pulled those posts, although he continues to stalk me on some of my videos.

Just as well it's all water off a ducks back. If I cared what people thought I wouldn't cycle around looking like the borg:eek:



Wow!;) I logged on this morning to see some great comments on my videos. Thanks guys! You brightened up my morning (sleepless night with the 6 week old!)

I'll be sure to return the favour if required.



Legendary Member
What made you stop at the bus stop when you knew he was going to pull in it?it looks to me like he was waiting for you to clear before he pulled in,but you wanted to get in his way?;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Um, it looked to me like the bus tried to overtake just before needing to cut in to the stop, and magnatom went to the stop afterwards to have word with him on his driving 'technique'.

As magnatom says, bear in mind that to appear in the shot, the bus must be level with, or in front of the lens - therefore he was presumably sitting on the right hand side of the bike for some time before being visible to the camera. Why couldn't the bus just sit in behind the bike and pull over without trying to overtake?


Legendary Member
:laugh:He obviously didnt try to over take to cut in front of him,and held back till he was gone,but he decided to stop at the bus stop so stopping the bus pulling in,just to have a word about his set up,er i mean the bus being soooo bad:laugh:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
col said:
:laugh:He obviously didnt try to over take to cut in front of him,and held back till he was gone,but he decided to stop at the bus stop so stopping the bus pulling in,just to have a word about his set up,er i mean the bus being soooo bad:laugh:

If you punctuate a bit better, I might understand better... All those "he's" are confusing.

How is the bus not trying to overtake Magnatom, when it appears on Magnatom's off side, level with Magnatom's head (IE the front of the bike), but needs to pull into a nearside for a stop?


Legendary Member
Sorry about the three "he" i put in, i didnt realise it was that confusing,i do now,;)Anyway,if the driver was wanting to overtake ,why did he pull up next to the cyclist at the bus stop?where incidentally the cyclist decided to stop and block the drivers way into the bus stop.i like the idea of these helmet cams,but some one who so obviously has to try and set people up to get some "footage" is akin to papperazzi,and cause more problems that are not needed with their choreographed filming.Now if it was a genuine event or accident,or a film for fun then great.But to set someone up to look like something its not is just bad.
I hope my punctuation is ok for you this time ;)
col said:
Sorry about the three "he" i put in, i didnt realise it was that confusing,i do now,;)Anyway,if the driver was wanting to overtake ,why did he pull up next to the cyclist at the bus stop?

Exactly. More to the point, why did the driver pull up next to the cyclist at the bus stop, then try and pull to the left to get into the stop?

where incidentally the cyclist decided to stop and block the drivers way into the bus stop.i like the idea of these helmet cams,but some one who so obviously has to try and set people up to get some "footage" is akin to papperazzi,and cause more problems that are not needed with their choreographed filming.Now if it was a genuine event or accident,or a film for fun then great.But to set someone up to look like something its not is just bad.

I don't think he's tried to set anyone up. If the bus is appearing in his peripheral vision (or in our case, on the side of the screen) then it's at least alongside him and possibly even slightly ahead, as the helmet camera is mounted facing forwards. If a bus driver is trying to pull into a stop from this position he's driving dangerously and very badly.


Legendary Member
It seems the bus pulls away from the lights or junction with the bike,now as the bus is coming to pass the bike,i would think someone either flags the bus to stop at the stop, or a passenger rings the bell,and this is the time the bus,just as its coming up to pass the cyclist starts slowing for the stop,now the cyclist has a go by stopping on the stop.Like i said there was no need for what the cyclist did,he has a go at the driver for doing nothing wrong,other than not expecting the cyclist to pull into the bus stop,the cyclist slowed with the bus to obstruct the bus stop for no other reason but to get some footage for his camera,if there had been no stop the bus would have just passed as normal,now weather it would have been too close as it passed we will never know,but because there was a stop and the cyclist feigns shock horror that the bus is next him as the cyclist is slowing near the stop,he does his "what you doing?" bit.No sorry ,im annoyed that some people would stoop this low to get something for their cams.
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