Cat or a Dog person?

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New Member
Aye - it's *unusual* for a cat to deposit in the middle of a lawn. A cat will far rather find a spot of soft earth under a bush/flower bed to dig and then poo/pee. *On a lawn* is more likely to be hedgehog or fox. The only likely exception is a mole hill... I've seen Marble look on a newly formed molehill with *glee* as he then uses the earth thrown up to have a sift dig in, pee on and then dig again to 'bury' his pee...

Night Train

Maker of Things
wafflycat said:
The only likely exception is a mole hill... I've seen Marble look on a newly formed molehill with *glee* as he then uses the earth thrown up to have a sift dig in, pee on and then dig again to 'bury' his pee...
Is cat pee a good mole deterent then? :biggrin:


wafflycat said:
Aye - it's *unusual* for a cat to deposit in the middle of a lawn. A cat will far rather find a spot of soft earth under a bush/flower bed to dig and then poo/pee. *On a lawn* is more likely to be hedgehog or fox. The only likely exception is a mole hill... I've seen Marble look on a newly formed molehill with *glee* as he then uses the earth thrown up to have a sift dig in, pee on and then dig again to 'bury' his pee...

Yes, but he is on home territory isn't he, so he's got time to make a nice hole, have a relaxing dump while reading the paper, cover it up, wipe his arse etc etc. The ones sneaking into my garden know they aren't welcome, so they are doing a flying raid!

Seriously though, yes they do tend to go for softer ground where there is exposed soil, rougher bits at the edge of the lawn, tufts and uneven patches where they pretend they are burying it (I think they learn how to rationalise their defecatatory habits from the excuses made by their owners! :biggrin:). Their current favorite target is a patch where I'm attempting to turf over a bald area, which they keep disturbing, preventing the grass from re-growing. But let's not blame the poor foxes, or even the hedgehogs (I've seen their turds and they are far less offensive): I know who the villains are, and where they live...


The Noodley family have a cat, a dog and a horse.

I also want a few sheep, but that will take a bit of planning.


New Member
Noodley said:
The Noodley family have a cat, a dog and a horse.

I also want a few sheep, but that will take a bit of planning.

If you make sex like you post, then you're also a bit of an animal. GRRRRRRRRRLLLLL

+1 big grizzly sex yeti for the Noodley family


Kovu said:
My mum wants an alpaca, but that takes planning as well ;)

There's one of them in a garden I cycle past on a regular basis. Just seems to wander about. There's a gate to keep it in obviously but it seems to just have free reign of the garden with no obvious additional equipment, etc.

(I do live in the country BTW, just on case anyone thinks this is in the middle of some urban mass and it's a good idea...)


Über Member
Noodley said:
There's one of them in a garden I cycle past on a regular basis. Just seems to wander about. There's a gate to keep it in obviously but it seems to just have free reign of the garden with no obvious additional equipment, etc.

(I do live in the country BTW, just on case anyone thinks this is in the middle of some urban mass and it's a good idea...)

Yeah we have a massive field type garden so its all good. My mum knits which is why she wants one, but there bloody expensive!


Kovu said:
Yeah we have a massive field type garden so its all good. My mum knits which is why she wants one, but there bloody expensive!

Right, here's a plan. I nick the Alpaca, give it a "backie" home on my bike and then flog it to your mum. And then I also get some sheep and sell the wool to your mum, she spins it and knits it and we charge some toffs loads of cash ;):becool:
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