Christmas day ride?

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Nope. Steam them for less than 20 minutes. Ha ha.
Oi, kids are folk too! Even if you've lost count of the little sprogs.

And you can't steam them. Not even for 20 minutes.


Looks like a cold dry day, so i'll be up and out early. Back by 9.30am as the house stirs from it's slumber

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I can't stay indoors all day so I'll head out for my local 20mile loop at about 10am.
I bought a Garmin with my Christmas bonus which I have used already, but it's right to use it on the big day....


Legendary Member
In Denmark, we celebrate Christmas on the evening of the 24th and the have an easy day on the 25th.

If the weather improves I will be out on the Kickbike as I need to lose about 5kg from my winter coat.


booze and cake

probably out cycling
I go out on Xmas day every year.

Its one of my favourite times to ride of the year. I live in London and it will be the quiestest day of the year to ride, the place will be deserted, no buses and only a handful of taxi's so its the only chance I'll get to lie down in the road at places like Hyde Park corner, Piccadilly Circus etc.

It gives a glimpse of a city cycling uptopia where there the whole city is our playground and we have it pretty much all to ourselves. Its too good an opportunity to turn down so all the family, food, booze and rubbish telly can wait.^_^

young Ed

so who's going to be rolling on two wheels on xmas day?
I one probably will be :bicycle:
Cheers Ed
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