Cold Sore

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New Member
Do I have a cold sore?

Never had one before but both my brothers have had them since childhood (and apparently that’s where most people get them)

I have on my bottom lip about 4-5 little white spots that look like blisters – they don’t itch or tingle. Those who have experience cold sores does this sound like I’ve got them?

Hope not!


pre-talced and mighty
Could well be. Dab with TCP. Sleep at least eight hours a night, drink lots of water, and eat lots of fruit. May not do any good, but it sure makes you feel virtuous.

No kissing. And no oral sex.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I get cold sores. And they are not nice.
They usually start with a hot itchy spot that only get's bigger and more itchy. If they are not itching, feeling hot or tingling I very much doubt it's a cold sore.

If you do think it's a cold sore, at the first sign of itchiness get some cold sore cream on there (with clean hands) and repeat. If you catch it in time it can clear the sore. However sometimes cream does not work. If the spot opens and becomes infected, that's when you get a blister which can take a couple of weeks to heal.

Several things can trigger cold sores. Ill health & sunshine are two examples.


Bird Saviour
I get them. If it is one, you will know by the 2nd day... as it starts to have the look of a wet blister by the 2nd day and in 3-4 days time it will start to scab and look pretty ugly. They last 7 - 10 days

They are right what they say about coldsores:
- normally picked up when you are young through Aunties and Uncles kissing you, but you can get them as an adult if you come into direct contact with one, particular if it is that person's first one.
- no oral sex allowed
- no kissing allowed
- don't let anyone drink from same cup or use same towel (although some websites dispute this saying that the virus doesn't survive long enough outside the body)
- even if coldsore is not on lips (could be on nose or surrounding skin) still can't have oral sex as virus is in your saliva.

the virus can remain hidden in your system for years without showing itself, so you could have had it since you were little. It hides in a nerve junction and travels to the surface of the skin when something activates it. Once it shows up you may only ever have one, or they can be recurring usually caused by stress, tiredness, period (if you're a girl) and when your immune system is low (when you feel run down), and by the sun (use sunblock)

Here's the important bit. If this is your first coldsore, it's highly contagious. It will shed the virus continuously, so wash your hands before handling your... erm... bits! ie. when you go to the loo.

Once your coldsore is clear, the next time you get one it cannot be transferred to any other part of your body because your body will have built up an immune system. Likewise you won't be able to catch anyone else's (although weirdly i only have to see one and mine gets activated, i think it's psychological) as long as their coldsore is the same symplex. Herpes symplex 1 is generally coldsores on the face and skin, Herpes symplex 2 is the coldsore you get on your naughty bits. But each symplex can appear anywhere on the body.

The virus can also mutate. so if you have Herpes Symplex 1 on your lips and you give someone oral sex, they can get a coldsore down there (symplex 1) or Herpes (symplex 2) BUT if they catch a coldsore from you (symplex 1) and then give you oral sex, you cannot get a coldsore (symplex 1) or herpes (symplex 2) from it because you've already got an immunity (this is if it's your 2nd coldsore NOT your first one. If it's your first one it's still contagious to you "down there")

i think what i've written is correct but there are a couple of websites that dispute what other say. the best reference on the internet is the British Coldsore Society (i think that's what they are called). just google "coldsore" and it will come up

complex init? personally i think they should have called it Herpes Complex 1 and 2. Best thing to do is abstain from sexy time until it clears up and make sure you wash your hands before going to the toilet. and don't pick it because you can get them under your fingernails too!

as for creams such as Zovirax, don't bother. technically, they can stop a coldsore appearing but what happens, in reality, is that it just delays it until 2 weeks later and comes back just when you've got a hot date or very important social event! and when i say comes back... i mean comes back with a vengeance. So if you haven't got any important social commitments when you feel the tingle, just let it run its course and then you won't see it again for a year or so.

if your little cluster of white spots has gone in a couple of days, it wasn't a coldsore. they last 7 days at least.


Bird Saviour
ps. perfume, tcp, toothpaste and all that shoot doesn't work. once it's up, it's up. just leave it well alone, accept it's there and you ain't gonna look hot for a few days, and let it run it's course.


Actually, I find that Zovirax works well. The trick is to apply it as soon as you feel the tingle on your lip. Unfortunately, my cold sores tend to come up when I'm, asleep.


Started young, and still going.
Actually, I find that Zovirax works well. The trick is to apply it as soon as you feel the tingle on your lip. Unfortunately, my cold sores tend to come up when I'm, asleep.

I find that Zovirex works, as long as you apply it early enough. Blisteeze works as well and is cheaper.
Best to just let them run their course, and if the missis has been giving you a good nagging, be nice to her and and give her a nice loving kiss or two..LOL


Go to Holland and Barrett and buy some L-Lysene tablets, get the strongest form you can and take 2/3 day, it helps attack the virus and also prevents it from recurring to often.


Über Member
One of the best things for them is tea tree oil (Holland & Barretts) this can be used in conjunction with Zovirax or acyclovir tablets for serious cases of cold sores. As above hand hygiene and perhaps use wipes on face rather than washing to prevent spread.:smile:


Bird Saviour
Go to Holland and Barrett and buy some L-Lysene tablets, get the strongest form you can and take 2/3 day, it helps attack the virus and also prevents it from recurring to often.

my friend recommended this to me when i rode to Paris (i knew the tiredness would make me get one!) but it didn't work :angry: (but i was REALLY tired lol). She said her and her daughter use it and they never get one. but they HUGE tablets!

Zovirax does work (and other creams with the same active ingredient). A guy at work used to be biochemist and he told me the way it works is to imagine the virus as a zip. the Zovirax acts like a missing tooth in the zip so it can't zip all the way, so it depends when you apply it as to how much the virus 'zips up' or comes out. If you put it on at the tingle stage, it stops it dead in its tracks. If you put it on at later stage, it will stop it developing further but won't "cure it" as such (you can't cure a virus), it only stops it getting worse and then it still has to go through the healing process itself but that healing process will take less time.

For me Zovirax does work but i think the nerve junction where my coldsore hides when it's dormant is between my lip and my nose. If i get a coldsore on my lip it's normally quite small and can be covered up with a bit of clever trickery with make up. However, if i put Zovirax on, my cold sore re-routes to my nose approximately 2 weeks later, just on the inside of my nostril and when that happens it comes back with a vengeance. The coldsore develops all the way up inside my nose and one side of my nose swells out and i look like i've been punched. It's extremely painful and so much more embarrasing because no amount of make up can hide a swollen nose, plus i look like i have a big crusty bogie coming out LOL.

So in my case, as i've found out from trial and error, i'm better off letting it run it's course in the first place. Also, said biochemist boss kept getting a run of coldsores and he always used Zovirax to stop them coming out, until i said to him "leave off the Zovirax and see what happens" and then he found once he let it run it's course, they cleared up.

IMO Zovirax is too expensive for too little result as well. i mean it's a teeny weeny tube for about £8.00 (and i haven't bought any for years so it's bound to be more now) bloody rip off!
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