Collision between mega bus and cyclist on Monday

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<Dons Mod hat>

We're getting to the end of any further valuable/useful contribution here, so agreeing to differ, shaking hands and thinking of a suitable caption for one of Mickle's Caption Competitions may be a better way forward.

Thank you.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Oh, and if you have ANY sort of licence that allows you to drive a vehicle - give it back. You obviously don't seem to think that was dangerous what he did, which is laughable at best, shocking at worse.

LOL :rolleyes: I think Scoosh has made a good point


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'm with bentmikey on this one. The cyclist is responsible for her own safety and in this respect she fails dismally (I still can't imagine being unaware of a coach bearing down on me) but she is not a danger to other road users.

The coach driver, however, was not delayed by a line of vehicles in front of him and the lights, from the helmet cam point of view, had already changed when he comes into view. As his passage was not impeded and he was not travelling slowly, either the lights were faulty or he ran a red light. At least, I can't think of any other possible explanation. Both possibilities require reporting because both represent a danger to other road users. If there had been no fault with the lights, by far the greater danger remains on our roads.


Über Member
LOL :rolleyes: I think Scoosh has made a good point
How can you think jumping a red light in a 20 tonne bus be acceptable?

It isn't even if the road is competely clear and you can see it is. I'm not picking only on the coach driver because the cyclist is just as much to blame for not looking but it would have been her dead, not the coach driver.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
How can you think jumping a red light in a 20 tonne bus be acceptable?
He hasn't been proven to have jumped the red light and having some knowledge of the road in question I suspect he is guilty of nothing more than deciding not to stop quickly. There is always going to be a last vehicle through a junction and it cannot automatically be assumed that the driver of that last vehicle has done anything wrong, so don't flame the guy as if he has!

Sabian, you and others in this discusion continue to use phrases like, it appears, he may have, potentially... but then continue to put blame on the driver as if he definitely did.

I am not going to condone the actions you are alluding too, but in this case, for this driver, with the facts we can see, I think you are hanging the wrong person!


< Mod Hat still on>

Careful - this is going to get locked very soon !

Move along, now.

[soon to be: Move along - NOW !]


He hasn't been proven to have jumped the red light and having some knowledge of the road in question I suspect he is guilty of nothing more than deciding not to stop quickly. There is always going to be a last vehicle through a junction and it cannot automatically be assumed that the driver of that last vehicle has done anything wrong, so don't flame the guy as if he has!

Sabian, you and others in this discusion continue to use phrases like, it appears, he may have, potentially... but then continue to put blame on the driver as if he definitely did.

I am not going to condone the actions you are alluding too, but in this case, for this driver, with the facts we can see, I think you are hanging the wrong person!

A lot have lost sight of this.

Unbelievable how many have presented supposition as fact (well, perhaps not-this is commuting).

Skol-don't get drawn in buddy :thumbsup:


you know what-there's you and a couple of others that, when you are not around to post, this place is relatively peaceful.

You have added absolutely nothing to this thread apart from jibes at individual posts.

You are on ignore as from now as you come across as particularly tedious.
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