Commuting in 0 degrees

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A lot of rain and a generally mild winter


As long as I breathe, I attack.
It ain't the cold it's the traction..... with the exception of the wind.
Indeed i can do cold assuming the roads are clear but our club ridesgot cancelled as we had sub zero temps with a lot of standing water about still form all the floods we have had lately and freezing fog.
MTB section still went out an one fell off and broke his leg , needing pins. Next day it was frosty forecast for my commue home after nights and i wimped out .I could have ridden and risked it and probably have been ok but i have done my share of sliding down the road.


It aint too green in these parts in the winter....The road up to the little mountain a couple miles from my house.


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nothing in moderation
yes, but be careful on untreated sideroads and estates. also look out for frozen brakes if there's any moisture in the cable inner, not that you'll know beforehand...


Marie Attoinette Fan
I got caught out yesterday (Friday). With storm Dennis coming in I thought it would be mild but my Garmin says it was 0deg. I think the garmin records wind chill though and I think it was just above judging by the puddles. There was no drama anyway (Ive commuted in colder) I just made sure I didn't lean much and brake unnecessarily or sharply and my tyre psi's are always ran low.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
My commute is also 17 miles, but leaving at 5.20am if there is an overnight frost, it hasn't had time to go when I leave. However, 8 miles or so is rural or unadopted roads and there are a couple of places on the rural roads where black ice is a potential problem; in one case because of a don't give a stuff farmer and the other because of a don't give a stuff council.
I had a very unpleasant experience Friday before last. It was a fine bright day and I was out with my cameras, riding the little lanes in the Sussex weald. There'd been a very light frost in the morning, but the day had fined up nicely - blue skies and temperatures of about 8-9ºC . It was mid-morning, I was coming down a steep hill - about a 25% grade - and discovered to my horror and amazement that it was all sheet ice, thanks - as I learned later - to unfortunate combination of the hill's being in an intense frost hollow, deep in shade and with a broken water pipe which kept a year-round sheen of water on the pavement. (The broken pipe is, apparently, an on-going bone of contention between a farmer and the council with both claiming its the other's responsibility to repair it) I came down hard. Nothing broken thankfully - not on me, or the bike, or my cameras - but I've been quite stiff, bruised and battered and off the bike for the past week. My shoulders and ribs are still not right. On the bright side, I met a lovely old couple who came rushing out of their house, took me in and gave me a cup of tea - and filled me in on the backstory of the ice on the hill. So - some hard won knowledge of local conditions....
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Huge Member
Frost is fine , its the black ice you need to worry about. As others have said the main roads normally get treated but not always. I used to be pretty die hard when it came to commuting by bike. I`m not anymore as no need to prove anything to anyone. Believe me its not much fun sliding along the road !
just to reiterate, came of the bike on Monday morning due to black ice !!! Lessons never learned etc :-;

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
So ice then?
Looks like water, which on a cold day or after a cold snap can freeze. So not really magical, unexpected or invisible. The way people talk about it you'd think it was.
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