Coronavirus outbreak

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Children have died of covid or compilations from it. The youngest in the Uk was around 6 mouths old. If I remember rightly. Other placers in the world began vaccinating children earlier than us and quicker along the along age groups. So plenty of data shows the risk of the vaccine is low. If anything we went way too slow and failed to get information out in the right way. JCVI was for too long advised by a known crack pot.

Risk of not having vaccinations in children is way over shadowed by the risk of not having one. Do we really want to be in place that has children dying of preventable illness ?Or being affected for life by one.
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self serving virtue signaller
Sadly the governments and elite of our world will always profit from chaos & bad things.
The World Council for Health is very concerned about the continuing pressure to get covid19 “vaccines” into the arms of our innocent children.
I wholeheartedly agree.
There was NEVER the slightest justification for injecting children (or indeed anyone, but children are the most stark example, along with pregnant women), even if you persist in believing the lying government & media.
Country after country has official records showing no child died as a consequence of the alleged virus. Are there more children dying as compared with prior years? There are not.
Please: think before bringing your kids into contact with these unnecessary, ineffective & unsafe injections.
This push isn’t about money. As compared with the over 5 billions people already injected in the world, schoolchildren in certain countries - notably the USA - won’t make a big difference.
No, there are other reasons why the perpetrators what those needles in the arms of children. They may genuinely wish to harm them & they’ll succeed unless you defend them.

Pregnant women and their babies are at particular risk from covid.

The data from these studies shows that during the Delta COVID-19 wave (16 May 2021 to 31 October 2021):

  • 1436 pregnant women were admitted to hospital with symptomatic COVID-19, of whom 230 (16%) were admitted to intensive care.
  • 17 (1%) pregnant and postnatal women died from COVID-19 (5.4 per 100,000 live births). In comparison, 10 women died during the Alpha period (3.2 per 100,000 live births) and 7 women died during the pre-Alpha 'wild-type' period (1.4 per 100,000 live births).
  • Four babies admitted to neonatal units died from COVID-19 (1.3 per 100,000 live births).
  • COVID-19 infection resulted in worse pregnancy outcomes. Of the hospitalised women, 19% had a preterm birth, 2% had a pregnancy loss, and 2% gave birth to a stillborn baby.
  • Almost all (96%) of the pregnant women admitted to hospital were unvaccinated. Of those admitted to intensive care, 98% were unvaccinated.

Spreading the despicable lies you do here puts women and their babies directly in harms way. Shame on you. Take a long hard look at yourself.

The rest of your post is false too, of course.
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self serving virtue signaller
Children have died of covid or compilations from it.


[Edit, as helpfully pointed out by @Alex321 downthread, whilst accurate at the time, these figures are out of date, the actual numbers being higher ]
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Legendary Member
So are you saying there was never a Covid virus?

Please point me to the Official UK records that show no child in the UK died as a consequence of Covid. (And I mean official figures, not figures published by some unofficial source).

Your last sentence is so ludicrous as to be laughable if it was not so dangerous. Who are these people who may genuinely wish to harm children, and to what end? We need to know.

Looking at their website, the crackpots who set up The World Council for Health last year!!!


South Wales

And those numbers only go up to May 2021. They are a fair bit higher if you include data from the rest of 2021 and 2022 :sad:
Sheet 5 gives deaths involving COVID19 by age group and week for the whole of 2021 and 2022 up to 4th November.

I would guess a lot of the reason for that is children going back to school, so transmission increasing drastically, while younger children weren't being vaccinated.


Pregnant women and their babies are at particular risk from covid.

The data from these studies shows that during the Delta COVID-19 wave (16 May 2021 to 31 October 2021):

  • 1436 pregnant women were admitted to hospital with symptomatic COVID-19, of whom 230 (16%) were admitted to intensive care.
  • 17 (1%) pregnant and postnatal women died from COVID-19 (5.4 per 100,000 live births). In comparison, 10 women died during the Alpha period (3.2 per 100,000 live births) and 7 women died during the pre-Alpha 'wild-type' period (1.4 per 100,000 live births).
  • Four babies admitted to neonatal units died from COVID-19 (1.3 per 100,000 live births).
  • COVID-19 infection resulted in worse pregnancy outcomes. Of the hospitalised women, 19% had a preterm birth, 2% had a pregnancy loss, and 2% gave birth to a stillborn baby.
  • Almost all (96%) of the pregnant women admitted to hospital were unvaccinated. Of those admitted to intensive care, 98% were unvaccinated.

Spreading the despicable lies you do here puts women and their babies directly in harms way. Shame on you. Take a long hard look at yourself.

The rest of your post is false too, of course.

You’re a talking complete tosh. Since my jabs I’ve had an irregular heart beat and there’s evidence of vaccine injuries all over the world. The main stream media won’t cover this but all the truth will come out in the end & the younger generation are waking up to everything.


Legendary Member
You’re a talking complete tosh. Since my jabs I’ve had an irregular heart beat and there’s evidence of vaccine injuries all over the world. The main stream media won’t cover this but all the truth will come out in the end & the younger generation are waking up to everything.

There are risks associated with any and every medical intervention. If you think that the risks of covid vaccine are greater than the risks of covid.... IMHO you are crazy.


South Wales
You’re a talking complete tosh. Since my jabs I’ve had an irregular heart beat and there’s evidence of vaccine injuries all over the world. The main stream media won’t cover this but all the truth will come out in the end & the younger generation are waking up to everything.

YOU are the one talking complete tosh, as per usual in this thread.

The risks associated with the vaccine are present but minimal. The risks associated with NOT being vaccinated are orders of magnitude higher.

And you know something? EVERY SINGLE time I have seen somebody saying "the mainstream media won't cover this" it has been some crackpot conspiracy theory. Yours is no exception. That statement is generally a pretty good pointer to somebody being deluded.


Ok prove evidence of harm on mass that is reported in Peer reviewed and mainstream respected journals.

Save you the time you won’t find any.

Take it you reported your complication via the the yellow card process. So it can be correctly investigated and recorded ?

I very much doubt your heat issue is due to the vaccine. I be more concerned with having it investigated. If it’s that much of an issue.
You’re a talking complete tosh. Since my jabs I’ve had an irregular heart beat and there’s evidence of vaccine injuries all over the world. The main stream media won’t cover this but all the truth will come out in the end & the younger generation are waking up to everything.

I believe there is some evidence that, in a very few cases, some people have lost the power of critical reasoning and become delusional after the jab.
Your posts confirm this theory.


self serving virtue signaller
You’re a talking complete tosh. Since my jabs I’ve had an irregular heart beat and there’s evidence of vaccine injuries all over the world. The main stream media won’t cover this but all the truth will come out in the end & the younger generation are waking up to everything.

I provided a link to reputable research.

You are espousing conspiracy theories.

The fact that you're allowed to do so is a great exemplar of the problem with social media: obsessive weirdos, crackpots, conspiracy theorists and the like can amplify nonsense by simply repeating it. If it's left unchallenged, it becomes accepted reality. If it's debunked, the act of debunking it perversely further repeats it. There mere commonplace existence of the nonsense makes it seem normal and become accepted.

You are spreading appalling lies that have already cost the lives of pregnant women and their babies, frightened away from a safe vaccine to suffer the consequences of a fatal virus.

It's absolutely unconscionable and despicable behaviour.


I provided a link to reputable research.

You are espousing conspiracy theories.

The fact that you're allowed to do so is a great exemplar of the problem with social media: obsessive weirdos, crackpots, conspiracy theorists and the like can amplify nonsense by simply repeating it. If it's left unchallenged, it becomes accepted reality. If it's debunked, the act of debunking it perversely further repeats it. There mere commonplace existence of the nonsense makes it seem normal and become accepted.

You are spreading appalling lies that have already cost the lives of pregnant women and their babies, frightened away from a safe vaccine to suffer the consequences of a fatal virus.

It's absolutely unconscionable and despicable behaviour.

When you say it becomes accepted reality you’ve just hit the nail on the head. We’ve had around 100 years of population control telling us how to think. Censorship is more dangerous than anything. You want us to be like North Korea.
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