COVID Vaccine !

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Legendary Member
Someone pointed me at the vaccine statistics from John Hopkins university today. According to them Germany isn't doing as badly as I thought: the UK is looking more effective because they are publicising the numbers of people who had the first vaccine, but the total number of fully vaccinated people in the UK is 0.86% compared to Germany at 1.97% and the EU as a whole running at 1.64%.

It's interesting that Italy and Spain as well as a lot of eastern European countries like Romania and Lithuania have the highest rates of full vaccination. Germany could certainly do a lot better, but I was under the impression that it had barely vaccinated anyone at all.
vaccine 2.png


Master of the Inane Comment
Germany could certainly do a lot better, but I was under the impression that it had barely vaccinated anyone at all.
It's easy - but wrong - to treat this as a race. But I understand your frustration at what might have been achieved with better procurement. I also hope the government in the form of its bureaucracy will cope in March as the supplies of vaccine massively increase. That's an area the country hasn't done so well on and is revealing where 'money was saved' pre-pandemic. It has sometimes been positively shameful.

If you want the figures both absolute and percentage, they are supplied by the RKI on a daily basis (in German):

My sister in the UK is getting her jab next Wednesday. From then on I expect her to become a devoted fan of Microsoft ...

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Close followers of this thread may remember some discussion about the 15 Feb target and how we would(n't) know whether they'd been met (JCVI Gps 1-4)++ or to what extent they'd been met. Do not feed the mathematicians;)/statisticians, please, unless it's raining and windy outside.
PHE have published the 16 Feb data:
These are England figures but perhaps it is reasonable to assume that this success is reflected in the other nations of our United Kingdom.
Group 1: 94% of residents; 69% of staff. About 54k (>33k + >20k) couldn't be vaccinated because they'd had C19 within 28 days. 561k vaccinated (at least first dose).


Groups 2a, 3 and 4a++
2,649k over 80s (pop = 2,837k) so 93%. (7% = med unable, hesitant, too soon since C19 infection)
1,928k 75-79 (pop = 1941k) >99%! - one of these figures must be wrong (pop figures from ONS)
2,564k 70-74 (pop = 2779k) 92%
The 5.7M under 70s will be some Gp 5s (including chatters OTP) but mostly care home staff (Gp 1 above: 304k), health and social care frontline workers (Gp 2b), CEV in Gp 4b (and carers). I have seen estimates (England) for these elements as Gp1=465k, Gp2b=3.8M, Gp4b=1.2M (Edit: think this is a low estimate). Those numbers suggest a very high percentage (Edit: but not a narrow CI) have been jabbed.

++ JCVI Gps 1-6
1 Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers
2a All those 80 years of age and over
2b Frontline health and social care workers
3 All those 75 years of age and over
4a All those 70 years of age and over
4b Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals* (and carers)
5 All those 65 years of age and over
6 All individuals aged 16 years**to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality*** (and some carers)
Population Estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2019
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Resting in suspended Animation
I'm going to donate mine to Michael Gove's daughter or a celebrity influencer so they can go back to Dubai.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My twin grandsons had their jab 1 week ago as did Mr WD. My son had his ( no idea why) on Friday, and I have received an invte to have mine Next Friday. Half my immediate family will have had the Covid vaccine. They seem to be very efficient here in Wales after an initial very slow start.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Target announced today of all adults offered a jab by end July depends on:
Maintaining vaccination rate at close to 400k per day and a (reasonable if regrettable) expectation that take-up rate will be less than 90% overall.
Gps 5 and 6 complete by 6 Mar (about 22M in total with those)
Gps 1-9 = 33M - by mid to late April. NB All these 33M will need their second dose before end July.
38M total adding over 40s not already done
44M total adding over 30s not already done
Another 9M over 16 to 30s: 53M
To achieve target:
Number of doses need = 53M plus 33M second doses (JCVI Gps 1-9) = 86M
21 Feb + 17M. Days till end July = 160. 69M divided by 160 = 431k per day. Less 10% unable/unwilling = 388k per day.
Doable, provided supply holds up.
The population of UK is 67M. 63M over 4 years old and 53M are over 16 (Hence Hancock's "we've now given a third of UK's adult population their first dose."
Hancock said: “Our vaccination programme is accelerating at unprecedented pace" - Fact check: it's not accelerating; it reached an excellent and sustained 400k+ per day rate for three weeks and has dropped a bit since the 15 Feb target was time expired.
It's easy - but wrong - to treat this as a race. But I understand your frustration at what might have been achieved with better procurement. I also hope the government in the form of its bureaucracy will cope in March as the supplies of vaccine massively increase. That's an area the country hasn't done so well on and is revealing where 'money was saved' pre-pandemic. It has sometimes been positively shameful.

If you want the figures both absolute and percentage, they are supplied by the RKI on a daily basis (in German):

My sister in the UK is getting her jab next Wednesday. From then on I expect her to become a devoted fan of Microsoft ...

Thanks for the link, it's good to see what is happening...

I agree that this isn't a race, as we wither all win or all lose, but I'd posted earlier thinking the German response was worse than it was, bsed in inaccurate data, and I wanted to set the record straight.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Riddle me this a colleague has just messaged me to say he has to isolate for 10 days along with this wife . Due to son testing positive with flu like symptoms?! They have all had the Pfizer vaccine. Albeit only the son has had the first dose , they have had two doses as both work in care. Not seeing a way out here folks ? Seems an inevitability that the rona well infect everyone eventually . :sad:
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