Cycling back from a night out involving heavy drinking

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You cut your head falling in the canal?

No, I ran over a large white cat, I think it was already dead. Was when I went back (to look for my glasses) in the morning anyway.........


Sunny Suffolk
One of my bikes is referred to as the 'pub bike'.

My local often has a number of bikes locked up outside it, although being my local I walk there. I sometimes socialise with the other dads from my daughters school, which involves a six mile journey by bicycle. We are all keen cyclists.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
You don't have to be drunk - a friend called the police when she came out of work stone cold sober because her car had been stolen (she forgot she'd parked it in another street that morning).

I read that as "...because her cat had been stolen" then wondered wtf she was doing it parking it...
Rather nice botle of rosé with my tea may have a teensy weensy bit to do with that. Bike is safely locked away ....


Active Member
Once, and rode into a wall at the immediate side of the road (no kerb). Cut my right hand knuckles, still got the scars at least 3 years on. Ended up walking round the late night Asda, bloodied hand, and no one batted an eyelid. No pain as I was quite intoxicated, but woke up the next morning, and god did it hurt. It definitely stopped me doing it again. And I feel lucky to have walked away with the minor injuries I had, wasn't wearing a helmet, and it was a main road out of Derby. Fun times...


Evidence based cyclist
Did I say it was as bad? No. I said a drunk cyclist should be treated like a drunk driver. Did I say something like that had happened? No. I said how would you feel, if a cyclist caused an accident like that and your family was injured. Would you then feel that they should be treated more leniently because it was a bike?

So you're saying a drunk cyclist should receive a mandatory 1 year cycling ban?

If you're saying they should be treated the same, then you are saying they are both as bad.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
So you're saying a drunk cyclist should receive a mandatory 1 year cycling ban?

If you're saying they should be treated the same, then you are saying they are both as bad.

I was saying not as bad as in a bike itself won't cause as much damage to another vehicle if it was to hit another vehicle. However a drunk cyclist could cause a driver to swerve, hit another vehicle that could cause severe Injuries to passengers and drivers alike. And before you say anything else, note I've said could, not this particular scenario has happened.

in that scenario, yes a cyclist should be treated the same, but as SL said and provided a PDF file, being drunk in charge of any vehicle,, whether a bus, car, motorbike, scooters or bicycle is an offence, thereforea any accident any vehicle causes should be treated the same.


did it a few times when i was younger and have the scars to show how bad an idea it is .


Legendary Member
Behind bars
Must have done it loads of times without even thinking about it. A couple of occasions spring to mind.
The first one was when I'd stopped at a takeaway on the way home after a sesh. I'd been OK up to then but trying to remount the bike with a carrier bag full of Chinese food was a bit of a challenge. After a couple of faltering attempts I finally got going but just as I was getting some momentum I noticed a copper watching me quite intently. This unnerved me enough to cause a wobble which became a catastrophe as I clipped the safety railings outside the primary school I was passing and came down with a bump. Luckily I was travelling so slowly that little harm was done, except to the food. I was trying to shovel it back into the containers when the copper approached. "This isn't going to end well", I thought but he was laughing his back off and just told me to get off home on foot or he would nick me.
Second one that comes to mind was me and my gf (now wife) riding up a snow covered railway track, in daylight, sober, to the pub. The snow was compacted and very slippery so we came off numerous times. After a few sherbets we set off home back down the track in the dark. Beer had made us incredibly skilful; what was difficult on the way up was a doddle on the way down. We slalomed back home without a single fall.
Beer is good.


Nr Cambridge
I can't see how drinking alcohol so you end up legless and cycling are compatible. Period.
I don't drink anyway so wouldn't be going to or from a pub. Alcohol is bad for your health, a waste of money and does so much harm in so many ways.

Big Dave laaa

Biking Ninja
Done it loads of times but once when I'd had too many I smashed into a low wall and nearly fractured my skull. Its ok as long as you know your limits

Tin Pot

Ukrainian vodka, Bethnal Green to Leytonstone, about three miles, broken nose. Don't do it. My niece was staying with me, when she got home I was sat on the settee with my face covered in blood "What happened?" she gasped. "Ukrainian vodka!" I said, and went back to sleep.

A close friend of mine cycled into the back of a stationary, but occupied, police car in Catford many years hence. His story has been bringing occasional mirth to hundreds over the years.

I don't think I've cycled drunk, though I have cycled with a hangover so bad I had shakes, vomiting and diarrhoea. Luckily it was in a country without many laws, so morally it must've been okay.
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