Cycling hopes and dreams for 2022

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Kilometre nibbler
Oh dear... I was wondering about it too, only the penny STILL hadn't dropped until I read that! :blush:
Great minds decay alike


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
These are some noble aims, good on you all. 👍

I'm aiming to do LEJOG this year after totally failing last year, and they do say to do it before you're 50. So come on Canuck, just get it done.


Kilometre nibbler
These are some noble aims, good on you all. 👍

I'm aiming to do LEJOG this year after totally failing last year, and they do say to do it before you're 50. So come on Canuck, just get it done.
I think they're wrong. But don't let that put you off! :smile:

I did the southern half (as far as York) this last year with my friend who was doing it for the first time. He's in the latter part of his 60s. I struggled to keep up.


Legendary Member
My only dream for the year is to cycle from Calais to Annecy. I'm likely to have heart surgery in the next few years and it's made me very aware of how precious life is and how I need to seize the day now, as I don't know what my days will be like afterwards. I've been dreaming of and planning this trip for over a year now (there's quite the spreadsheet). Originally, I wanted to go alone but my husband and son immediately said they wanted to come too so it's likely to be a family trip. We may even cycle back - my husband's surprising suggestion.

I cannot wait.
Ming the Merciless

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
My only dream for the year is to cycle from Calais to Annecy. I'm likely to have heart surgery in the next few years and it's made me very aware of how precious life is and how I need to seize the day now, as I don't know what my days will be like afterwards. I've been dreaming of and planning this trip for over a year now (there's quite the spreadsheet). Originally, I wanted to go alone but my husband and son immediately said they wanted to come too so it's likely to be a family trip. We may even cycle back - my husband's surprising suggestion.

I cannot wait.

Good luck with the surgery. A friend had heart surgery due to an almost blocked coronary artery last year. They seem to have come on in leaps and bounds since.


Legendary Member
Good luck with the surgery. A friend had heart surgery due to an almost blocked coronary artery last year. They seem to have come on in leaps and bounds since.
Thanks! I may well be faster and stronger after my valve replacement, I just don’t know!
Good luck with the surgery. A friend had heart surgery due to an almost blocked coronary artery last year. They seem to have come on in leaps and bounds since.

Thank you. I'm hoping that a new valve will turn me from a regular hobby-cyclist into a mean, efficient climbing machine :smile:
To find a horizontal tt bike with drops and DT shifters that I can modify easily just by dropping in an appropriate wheel and chain, and be able to use it on the damned hills around here...
There's a likely prospect at the dump, erm., Local Recycling Centre. If it's still there next week (it's been there a while, I think), I'll grab it. 2x6speed, 501 frame, Raleigh of some sort. If nothing else, it has a pair of good Gatorskins and a Charge Spoon...


We get an extra five days annual leave from our company next year, so I'll be using three of them for six half-day training rides, and two of them for a 24 hour ride which, wind depending, will either be into the hills in the north of Scotland, or seeing how far I can make it through the relative flats of England.

And somewhere in the middle, to complete a 300km loop through Dumfries & Galloway which has defeated me twice due to weather and illness.

And generally getting my short distance fitness back to where it was in 2020 before I ruined it with the previous 24 hour ride. :smile:

Due to an extended family trip in the summer, I find myself with three days and no wife or children in the house in the middle of July - so while I'm not going to try a 24 hour ride again (yet) I managed to book a little apartment in Strathcarron on a Sunday night, so I can leave Glasgow early and cycle up there via Inveraray and Connel, get some sleep, and then get up early to go over the Ba before the tourists wake up. And then back home via Loch Ossian, Loch Rannoch and Loch Tay. So about 210 miles there and 280 miles home, but as long as I sleep well the days before and eat properly it should be fine, that's what caught me out last time.

So yay for that.

And the forecast says there's a light drizzle about half past 2, otherwise dry, so I'll take my short sleeve jersey. :smile:


Cynical idealist
I have gone through all my camping gear, replaced what needed renewing and will travel at every opportunity. I have to sort my herbs and spices for my field kitchen though. Somerset in June for 11 days.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Placing quality over distance this year. Quality rides in places I've never ridden before. Post covid, it it starting to feel like I may never hit the level I was at a few months back, as I feel I had been massively over-achieving for some time. 20 mile rides with good friends, and short rides in new places will do nicely. Starting the way I mean to go on this weekend with a slow ride around Lake Vyrnwy in North Wales with old friends from Birmingham. I also fancy doing the Monsal Trail in the Peak District later in the year.
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