Cycling seems to have become very "upper crust"

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More wheels than sense
This thread is so ridiculous I expected Lord Haw Haw to be be in it blaming the EU


You've only got to watch the big cycling event in London this weekend ,which proves cycling is for all walks of life. BMX bikes, serious roadies to brompton racing. Families enjoying a fun day out with there kids. This is what cycling is all about. It's a mass diversity of all things good. Upper crust or not we are all doing what we enjoy and not hurting anybody else..


Who, me ?
I would probably be considered successful and reasonably well off
Not upper crust though, my dad was a milkman and I come from a mining family.

Are you my brother?

I even worked in the coal mines myself and have been very lucky since they closed.


Legendary Member
Some of the above comments are bonkers.

What I can't get my head around is why people have such ridiculous opinions on someone spending lots of money on a bike. I also can't quite work out the demographic of those that have such views.

Personally, I will likely never afford a £10k bike. Do I feel anything negative towards those that can? Clearly not. On that basis alone, my assumption can only be that the people with such views must be those that could afford to buy such a bike, but have chosen to use the cash in something else. Only to then be jealous of those who decided to buy said bike.

You can't have it all!

Another irony that I have noticed is that those, that pull a face at spending £10k on a bike, already have multiple bikes totalling more than that amount, and more, already...

I could afford a £10k bike. Unfortunately, I've barely got £1k legs or lungs, so the only thing it would aid is my ego.


An Peanut
About the only thing that this thread has confirmed is that many cyclists are nobbers with a very twisted view of life.


Southend on Sea
To be honest I recognise a bit of myself in the op, but I am also confused about myself
My Grandparents Rode and raced. My parents too, my brother still races, so i am from a cycling family.
I was transported in a cycle sidecar for my first year. Dad was a factory worker in those days.
I work in the city, have a nice house and have recently upgraded my bike to a nice carbon bike (albeit second hand) which I dont get out on enough but love getting bits for. I have lidl , Aldi and castelli gear. Plus a set of golf clubs , an MTB and two motorbikes , all of which i dont use enough either....
I do comment to Mrs FS about other cyclists we see, primarily " he/she is going well/ working hard" or "that saddles too low".
It takes all sorts .....


East Sussex
I actually do own a Pegoretti which I bought about ten years ago, when Dario Pegoretti was still relatively unknown outside of a small circle of racing aficionados. It is lovely to ride and I enjoy it for what it is, a beautifully crafted bicycle - but even the supposed cachet of a Pegoretti does not stop a small minority of riders from looking down their noses at me, or indeed anyone and everyone who isn't them.
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