Cyclist killed - Suspected cause of hitting a pot-hole

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Market Rasen

Scarily close to home for me. I often ride this road. This could have been me. RIP :sad: .

I see they very quickly fixed the pot-hole (sadly it seems to have been too late for this poor chap). There is no definite conclusion yet, but if the pot-hole does turn out to be the cause, then maybe now the local councils will start to fix some of the pot holes in our roads. Just a shame that it has to take something like this to spur them into action.


Man or Moose!
Why does every cycling related death in the press have to be posted up on this forum? Is it just me, or does anyone else find it both a little odd and a bit morbid. On car based forums do people post up about every car accident in the press?


It's an interesting point. Perhaps for another thread (:thumbsup:) but I suspect it's because many feel we have an affinity or exhibit group like behaviour. It could also be because there is an underlying fear in some minds that cycling is more dangerous than it actually is.


A Human Being
Why does every cycling related death in the press have to be posted up on this forum? Is it just me, or does anyone else find it both a little odd and a bit morbid. On car based forums do people post up about every car accident in the press?
Maybe car based forums just accept the "collateral" damage in order to pursue their interest.


Nr Cambridge
Why does every cycling related death in the press have to be posted up on this forum? Is it just me, or does anyone else find it both a little odd and a bit morbid. On car based forums do people post up about every car accident in the press?

Very bad taste comment considering a cyclist has died. You should be ashamed.

By way of explanation, if it wasn't already obvious, a pot hole presents far greater risks to a cyclist than a car or other heavier vehicle. Considering the current awful state of some roads this is a dangerous hazard all road cyclists face.

Terribly sad. RIP the cyclist. His family and friends must be going through a very difficult time.


Man or Moose!
Very bad taste comment considering a cyclist has died. You should be ashamed.

By way of explanation, if it wasn't already obvious, a pot hole presents far greater risks to a cyclist than a car or other heavier vehicle. Considering the current awful state of some roads this is a dangerous hazard all road cyclists face.

Terribly sad. RIP the cyclist. His family and friends must be going through a very difficult time.

Are you for real? Seriously?

And you know I am not referring to the pothole and the magnitude of the risk it imposes, but of the constant flow of cyclist death threads. It is always sad when someone life is taken from them, I am not saying otherwise, but I find it rather odd that people are compelled to post up every cyclist death they see in the press.


Man or Moose!
Yes. Unfortunately you seem to be as well.

Sorry what?
Why does every cycling related death in the press have to be posted up on this forum? Is it just me, or does anyone else find it both a little odd and a bit morbid. On car based forums do people post up about every car accident in the press?

Not just you, ever since Princess Di, the UK as turned in to nation of professional mourners.

Condolences to this guys family.


Cycling in the sun
Why does every cycling related death in the press have to be posted up on this forum? Is it just me, or does anyone else find it both a little odd and a bit morbid. On car based forums do people post up about every car accident in the press?
Maybe it is because there are far fewer to report. As cyclists we seem to be more aware of potential dangers around us, whereas car drivers often seem to think they are very protected in their car. So cyclists maybe over-estimate danger and car drivers the reverse. And imagine just how many posts about deaths from driving there would have to be each day.



Go on, tilt your head!
Why does every cycling related death in the press have to be posted up on this forum? Is it just me, or does anyone else find it both a little odd and a bit morbid. On car based forums do people post up about every car accident in the press?

I didnt really think about it until you mentioned it.

I used to frequent the Migweb forums (Modified/Performance Vauxhall Owners Club), if there was an accident in the press that involved a modified Vauxhall I'd expect to see something posted on the forum as it would be relevant to that forum. Same here with cycling I guess? Dunno lol


Senior Member
Out on a ride with Falmouth Wheelers today when one of the group took a fall. Unclear exactly what happened but I was someway behind him and saw the pothole on the sharp left hander and avoided it. He either hit it or in trying to avoid it failed to take the bend and was flat on his face in the opposite gutter when I rounded the bend. Ambulance called and, surprisingly, as we were on fairly narrow country lanes, a doctor was in the first car to stop and we were pleased that she could take control until the medics arrived. Hopefully our friend will be back on his bike soon but the result could so easily have been as posted here, and it could have been anyone of us. The wet summer has had a huge impact on road services across the country, and if we have anything other than a mild winter the condition of our roads will deteriorate even more. Its likely to get a lot worse before it gets better. I think that it is unfair to blame the Highway agencies, they are faced with a unenviable task. If posting these reports causes just one of us to ride a bit more defensively then that’s ok by me.
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