Davina Mccall

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Another 10 more metres Davina then you can relax until we get to Windermere... and cut.
Now, two minutes in the water.... and action... well done, look a little more concerned... put you face into the water again... lovely.... and cut.
Just two more edits to do with you on your bike in the dark and that'll be a wrap. Well done everybody!
I'm sure she didn't cheat, but then, so what if she did... it's just an advert to raise as much money for charity anyway....


Über Member
Because it is crass manipulation by media, Mr Paul. In any case, her 'so-called safety advisors should be sacked for negligence or gross incompetence for allowing her to get hypothermic. No excuse for that in this day and age. That wasn't her fault, at least.


Legendary Member
I can't help wondering what rich Kenyans living in the UK must have been thinking when they saw her with the stone-breakers in Nairobi. There is very little compassion for the less fortunate and for a small minority of well-connected Africans, life is about getting the hell out and getting your lolly out of the country to somewere you can enjoy it. Britain has more charities and benevolent organisations than any other nation, which is rightfully a source of pride to us but I wonder what people in less altruistic societies think of it all?
It is still unusual to see a 46-year-old mother-of-three celebrated on TV for this kind of physical strength and the gender balance of her supporters didn’t escape Davina: “I am doing this for the girls,” she said.

This girl was certainly inspired enough to donate a few quid to Sport Relief. And also to retrieve Davina’s work out VHS from behind the back of the sofa, where it’s been since 2005.


She only did it for the publicity. Oh, that was the whole point.
Married fourteen years, three kids. Her marriage was in trouble before the challenge. Not in trouble exactly, her husband's dad was ill and times were hard.

I think she's a bit doolally, in a good way, she says she had trouble with her under carriage so slathered on chamois cream, couldn't feel a thing.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
she says she had trouble with her under carriage so slathered on chamois cream, couldn't feel a thing.
I think @Fnaar 's ambitions just moved a bit north of Davina's thighs! Not before he's got the old VHS video player working though......
Davina’s work out VHS from behind the back of the sofa, where it’s been since 2005.


Smutmaster General
Married fourteen years, three kids. Her marriage was in trouble before the challenge. Not in trouble exactly, her husband's dad was ill and times were hard.

I think she's a bit doolally, in a good way, she says she had trouble with her under carriage so slathered on chamois cream, couldn't feel a thing.
I could *so* help her out with all these issues. Call me, Davvy, call me!!


Über Member
Davina, Davina
Have a hot Ribena,
And ponder those menacing skies.

Davina, Davina
You're now looking leaner,
Would you like me to massage your thighs?
Such eloquence! Eloquence that would have been ruined without the generous dollop of smut.
I nominate you as next poet laureate. It's about time we had some real highbrow stuff. RESPECT


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Gavin, that's a bit unfair... the concept of celebrity patronage leaves the rest of us struggling... it took three of us months to raise £950 for the Heart and Lung Transplant Unit at the Newcastle RVI, even doing the C2C.... now if we'd been celebrities we could have raised that in a couple of minutes by going on The One Show.
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