Does anything help inspire you to get out and cycle??

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Über Member
Merthyr, Wales
I've been really struggling to put the miles in lately.
Between work and miserable weather, day to day life and other general obstacles, I've just not been out riding around. I look at my cycling shoes and think about going out and then for some reason just have not been putting them on and going out the door.

Has anyone had this kind of thing and come across something that sparks that drive to go out cycling again?
I thought maybe I could read some books about general cycling, I think I started taking it to seriously perhaps, just pushing to get round the same routes faster than last time


I found building cycling into my day to day journeys helped a lot. I work in central London, so don't commute.
Going to see my parents - bike
Get some bread/milk from the local store - bike
Spend time with 16 year old son - lets go for a ride
Go see my brother & nephews - bike

I also do solo bike rides, but the other journeys help to break things up a little.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
"I think I started taking it to seriously perhaps, just pushing to get round the same routes faster than last time"
Perhaps your cycling has become an obsession rather than an enjoyment? Doing the same route and getting back home to find you've done a slower time than last time will disillusion you and make you think "why bother"?. Change your route, not totally but slightly maybe, then you'll have an excuse if you're slower. Or maybe stop racing around altogether and take in the sights on your rides and tell yourself that just by cycling at a moderate speed alone you're doing more exercise then most out there could inspire themselves to do in a lifetime.:cheers:


How much does it cost to Oldham?
If you need inspiration


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Senior Member
Warrington, UK
I've just started cycling regularly again to shift some weight. That's motivation in itself. But I definitely recommend having a good selection of routes to ride, because the last thing you want cycling to be is a boring chore. As other folk say, find interesting places to visit. I would also suggest that you find likely looking pubs, but that probably says a lot about me. I saw one called the Salt Barge this morning, looked nice and it was a free house -- ideal! I am fortunate in the moment as I'm exploring a new county so it's all interesting.

You could count the number of people who say hello, or keep a roadkill diary (3 rabbits in 100 yards, was that Mummy rabbit teaching the nippers to cross the road?)

I'll get my coat.


Well-Known Member
I would also suggest that you find likely looking pubs, but that probably says a lot about me. I saw one called the Salt Barge this morning, looked nice and it was a free house -- ideal!

I know, no matter how sh**ty the weather is, that it will be nice soon enough and I will reap the benefits from not missing the hard rides.

You have to experience the lows to appreciate the highs!

Ditch the computer.


Active Member
I don't know what sort of cyclists you are, but personally this video never fails to make me want to be on my bike!


Active Member
I think I started taking it to seriously perhaps, just pushing to get round the same routes faster than last time

I do that too! Feels good to get up the hill a bit faster, or get around the route a bit faster. But don't let that be the only thing you do!
I love riding fast and racing against my self, but sometimes its lovely to just slow down and watch the world go by!
Explore! I like to ride somewhere completely unplanned, get my self lost until its time to head back and then I get my phone out and use the GPS to figure out where I am ^_^
If you like riding fast/hard/whatever, mix it up with new routes and taking it slow!

I find some days Im not in the mood to come home dripping and shattered, so I just go out for a 5/10 mile ride around the local area and have a bit of fun being silly, have a stroke of a horse or two and watch the mountains :smile:
>>I don't know what sort of cyclists you are, but personally this video never fails to make me want to be on my bike!

Too much data for me - I was wondering if he was about to take a dump at 1:45 and get a data feed. :smile: But not my type of cycling


In order of effectiveness;
1) Good weather
2) Being in the Alps or similar
3) Trying out recently purchased clothing, gadgets, components etc.
4) Good weather
5) Knowing I'll be going somewhere soon where 1) & 2) apply, so I need to go out anyway
6) Good weather
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