I like Christmas, I like family tradition and food and all that. So it's generally good for me. Tom disliked it, he would always prefer to spend it getting drunk on a bottle of sherry. Last year I invited him and an another friend to join me and Mum for the day, and we simply ate and watched telly and relaxed, and he said it was one of the best Christmasses he'd ever had, which is something I treasure. This year's going to hard, without him, but I'll have little Oli to fuss over, and family around me, and if I have to go outside to have a little crap moment on my own, well, so be it.
I think you just have to make Christmas what you want. If you're lonely, or sad, or whatever, the enforced jollity and family-ness can be horrible, so you have to try and avoid that, and try and work it so that you can be doing what you'd prefer - even if that is being alone and getting pleasantly sloshed and watching tv all day.