Does cycling attract a disproportionate number of grumpy so and so's?

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Legendary Member
I wasn't grumpy when I first started cycling and joined a club.


Legendary Member
The only thing that gets me annoyed is dealing with idiots. Hence any posts on here after a few minutes of being online can see me getting grumpy.

I've just had one if the worst weeks of my working life dealing with idiotic export customers. You can tell some people the same thing until the cows come home and still they keep asking.


Heavy Metal Fan
I think people who cycle regularly are the "type" of people who are generally more intelligent and/or are older (i.e. older than 20) and are therefore less tolerant of the commercialised, Americanised, consumerist shift that Christmas has taken in the last 25 years.

What I'm trying to say is that kids and the chav masses lap it up, whereas the rest of us are more cynical! I'm not saying I don't love Christmas - I do. But if I had my way there would be less emphasis on the gifts, and more on spending quality time with family if you're lucky enough to have them close by.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Or maybe, just maybe....cycling attracts disproportionately grumpy participants?
Well, put it this way ... I have just managed to find one!!! :thumbsdown:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I think people who cycle regularly are the "type" of people who are generally more intelligent ...


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