Don't always blame the motorist.

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Tell me why Grumpy Gregory and not just Gregory.

It is a shame where people pick your words about to try and gain brownie points.
Then speak plainly...


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What about the lunchtime runners, should I be checking behind me for them as I walk so I can stand aside in order not to impede their progress?

Your shoeists are all the same, choosing to use your backward transport technology in a public space, and delaying others, with their superior technology, as a result.

So rude. So selfish.


The attitude of the OP is at the core of everything that's bad about cycling in a car centric society. The post and it's weird title identifies him as a 'cyclist hating cyclist'. Motoring is the norm. We're all drivers. So amongst those of us who both drive and cycle there's a group whose driving mentality is so deeply ingrained that they think of cyclists as an 'out group'. This combined with an incomplete understanding of the rules of the road make them think, upon catching up with a cyclists in their car, that the cyclists are somehow 'in the way'. Thus is at the crux of it. The cyclists aren't in the way, they are ahead. A fallen tree is 'in the way' a cow on the road is 'in the way '. A cyclist riding along in front of your car is another road user with equal rights (some might argue - more right) to be in the road. They are not 'in the way' they are in front of you. And you are behind. They got there first. It's their road. And it therefore falls to you to treat them with courtesy and respect and patience until such time as you can safely pass. They have no obligation to let you pass. Their journey us no less important than yours. Patience. It probably took you longer to write the post complaining about this incident that the valuable time they cost you.
Amazing that a 'former driving instructor' needs this spelling out.

Now thats an interesting post and and something I would normally agree with. Its in the DNA of every driver to get past a cyclist and I hate it

However you've ignored the road in question, the road conditions, the experience of the OP (and the fact he's an experienced cyclist) and have glibly gone down' the cyclists cant do no wrong' route . Lost on the thread was an early post about an event on the same road where people were encouraged to go single file, I wonder why that was...?

Tim Hall

Copenhagen has a thriving scene. They are even used as everyday transport by the hipper sort of chick and chap.

I have 'had a go' whilst here, using a rented board. Danish tarmac is every bit as unforgiving as its British cousin.
That's the trouble with universal gravitational constants. They're all over the place.


Here for rides.
Sorry for the delay...Long distance tourers,weighed down with panniers covering many miles both here and abroad.....people who respect the road and other users, not a glib bunch of heroes who took up a hobby 18 months ago ,joined a forum and are now experts. (ring a bell anyone)
utter parp
That aside we really should follow the approach of other countries in that cyclists are barred from many A routes as they are simply a pain in the arse and are putting themselves in danger...many European countries have nailed this, the UK as usual really dont have a clue and we end up with the OP's post.
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