Don't ride in groups or we will be stopped cycling completely.

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Legendary Member
Has anyone on a cycle been stopped by the police in the UK yet?

The police seem to be focused on
- speeding (radar van parked outside here on Friday night).
- groups in public spaces, and
- people driving far afield "to exercise".

Richmond park this morning

ah yes some of those nobbers are out and about around here, cars and motorbikes
Unfortunately one can chart their progress from not being able to
ride a bike without harassing people, to not being able to drive a car safely,
to hearing about their death at an early age from not being able to get with the plan
and be decent like the rest of us.
I do feel for them, but they seem oblivious to anything except their own
warped ways.


Legendary Member
I won't worry unduly about the police stopping me. In the very unlikely event they do I am doing my daily exercise from home all within the rules. 20 to 30 miles seems OK to me.
Agreed. I'm not at all concerned and feel my efforts are quite reasonable. I only made the original post to demonstrate here in Lancashire the police are definitely on the look out for those who won't follow/obey the guidelines.
I won't worry unduly about the police stopping me. In the very unlikely event they do I am doing my daily exercise from home all within the rules. 20 to 30 miles seems OK to me.
Do you wear a mask over nose and mouth, does anyone.

I don’t think Our governments thought this through, 6 Foot apart just doesn’t cut it.
For example, someone farts, you will smell that more than 6 Feet away, no offence mean,
same with someone spraying weeds, that stuff I can smell a hundred feet away,
same with a paint shop, I know when our neighbour is spraying a car half a mile away.

Now an air borne virus is no different.

In Ireland we are now being told, the virus can live on cardboard and paper,
no surprise there, surprised to hear it can live on plastic bags for up to an hour though.
Were now told this is what is helping spread the virus over larger distances.

If people really want to help not to spread the virus, stay away from people,
I met no cyclists on my midnight trip, but I still had my mask on.


The masks are probably worse than not wearing a mask as they make you touch your face more often.
Covid is not an airborne disease as far as is known. You have to be hit by a dense droplet of cough or sneeze phlegm, or by passing hand to hand, or hand/infected object/hand. A cough or sneez is thought to effectively travel about 6 feet with the droplets falling pretty quickly. Hence the 6 foot / 2 metres guidance.

So yes staying far enough away that you don't get hit by an errant cough or sneeze is a good idea, as is keeping clean hands.


Richmond ,Surrey
Richmond park this morning

View attachment 511410
The rider could be an NHS person, no saying why the cop is in the throws of a dramatic experience ,


Legendary Member
The rider could be an NHS person, no saying why the cop is in the throws of a dramatic experience ,

Could be, but the question was has a cyclist been stopped.

the clear answer from the photographic evidence is yes
Richmond park this morning

View attachment 511410

The rider could be an NHS person, no saying why the cop is in the throws of a dramatic experience ,
Yes. Or telling a fishing story. Or answering the question "Is it Ok to bring my 35 club-mates along tomorrow?"

But I think it's probably because cycling in RP was banned around Fri/Sat-ish - wasn't it?


Richmond ,Surrey
And could be the cop stops him and asks why he is riding , and maybe the riders explanation is , because I’m an NHS worker , It doesn’t look as though the cop has issued an FPN ,


Richmond ,Surrey
Yes. Or telling a fishing story. Or answering the question "Is it Ok to bring my 35 club-mates along tomorrow?"

But I think it's probably because cycling in RP was banned around Fri/Sat-ish - wasn't it?
It was banned , but not for NHS staff and supervised children,
Judging the riders attire and bike , He doesn’t look as the usual club riders we see in the Park
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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
On the ride I saw five police vehicles which is highly unusual. I could ride the route 100 times under normal conditions and see none. All in rural locations.
Only five? ;) On my ride to town and back yesterday, I suspect there were only four or five roads where I didn't see a marked police car in one direction! Usually I see none except the occasional blue light run on the A roads.

I did pass close to the town police station, as I often do. The motor compound was full of all the unmarked vehicles, such as the silver Fiestas and blue BMWs, which suggests this isn't an abnormally high level of policing, just that they were almost all in marked vehicles to be more visible. I also suspect they are concentrating on certain areas each day, adding to the visibility effect.

One vehicle was tactical response. Presumably one can get taken out for ignoring social distancing? 😀
Around here, the traffic and armed units have been the same for a while, but it hasn't yet stopped driving crimes.
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