Drivers Beware! The Cycling Vigilante is after you.

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Legendary Member
Have you not had to deal with the aftermath of a collision where the driver was likely to be on the phone?

Marky, read my posts again. As a cyclist, occasional car driver and mobile phone hater I have no issue with the filming. This I have already stated quite clearly.

It's the need to start confrontations with strangers In the street that i object to. It pointless, time wasting and dangerous.
Marky, read my posts again. As a cyclist, occasional car driver and mobile phone hater I have no issue with the filming. This I have already stated quite clearly.

It's the need to start confrontations with strangers In the street that i object to. It pointless, time wasting and dangerous.
Ok, which happens more frequently - collisions from mobile talking or road-rage? Which has the greater consequences in your experience?


A cyclist in Harlow is catching drivers on cam mainly talking on the phone. He then sends the footage to a private company called Police Witness who then pass it on to the Police who decide whether to prosecute. Have you seen him @compo?

I went out for a ride out with him and another friend one day. It was the first time I had met him. I very quickly got tired of his antics. Apart from his cameras he has an airzound which he blasts then yells out the reg number of the errant car. I was convinced he deliberately put himself into situations designed to cause road problems for drivers. I cannot argue with some of what he does when filming deliberate acts of dangerous driving but he seems to be a bit of an obsessive. I was glad when we parted company at the end of the ride and I have not been out with him since.


Legendary Member
Road rage, by quite a margin. I've been involved with one death from that, several serious assault injuries, many more minor fisticuffs induced cuts and bruises. That's my personal experience.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Another sad tw@t who will only give cyclists a bad name
You cant give something which is already there and has a fundamental foundation of cyclists being law breakers and dangerous in all efforts to hold you up. I doubt it will be broken soon either

Hip Priest

He's on here isn't he? Username is Sueperb or something. Might be wrong.

I agree with Drago. I haven't got the stats, but if you're confronting motorists on a daily basis, you chance of being killed or seriously injured by a road rager is significantly higher than your chance of being in a collision with a car.

He's already been put on hid backside by some meathead in a van. It isn't worth it.


So he's not just filming and passing on the footage, but making a scene and confronting people?


That's gonna end up costing the NHS a whole heap of money.


World class procrastinator
A shame that the paper listed the names of his children. They are probably going to be bullied about this, at their schools.
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