Drunken louts ruinin.... Wait, what!?

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Active Member
Fantastic stuff. Proof that it's not just alcohol, but the person within, that causes problems (or, in this case, solution)


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Of course they weren't just trying to impress the young blonde lady seen on the left at 1:13, were they? I know I would have been (trying, that is!), 30 years ago :rose:.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Did anyone else think the "young blonde lady" might have had the physique to unbend the stand singlehandedly?:whistle:

Methinks you're looking at the wrong one! Go to 1:13, left of shot :thumbsup:.

PC Disclaimer: That's not to say of course that the other young blonde lady is not a very nice person, and some of the boys may well have been trying to impress her.
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